Colors Properties
The Colors Properties defines and sets named colors used in the template; see Colors. Named colors can be used throughout the templates, in all . They are visible in color dialogs and useable with their names in style sheets; see Styling and formatting.
- Color Type Selector: Click and use the drop-down to display which color types to show in the list: All, RGB, CMYK or Spot colors.
- Color List: Displays the colors, filtered using the Color Type Selector.
- New: Create a new color using the Edit Color dialog (see below and see Colors).
- Edit: Edit the currently selected color using the Edit Color dialog (see below and see Colors).
- Delete: Delete the currently selected color.
- Duplicate: Duplicate the currently selected color using the name [color]CopyX.
Edit color
You can edit the following color properties.
- Name: Enter the name of the color. This name should not contain spaces or special characters.
- Create name based on values: Check so that the name is automatically based on the color slider values below.
- Type: Use the drop-down to specify which type of color this should be: either a Tint or a Color.
- Option group: contains the options for the chosen type. Options change depending on the selected type.
- Color:
- Model: This can be either CMYK or RGB.
Spot Color: Check to set the color as Spot Color. When Spot Colors are used, the Name must match that of the spot color used in the printer. Cyan/Magenta/Yellow/Black (CMYK): Each slider sets a percentage for the color. Set the values using the sliders, or type in the percentage directly in the input boxes. Red/Green/Blue (RGB): Each slider sets the values of 0-255 for the color. Set the value using the sliders or type in the value directly in the input boxes. Color Preview: Box displaying the preview of the color (converted to RGB when relevant).
Tint: Source: Select an existing Color in the template. The tint or opacity will be applied to this color. Tint/Opacity: The slider sets the percentage of tint or opacity. Set the value using the slider, or type the percentage directly in the input box. Use Opacity: Check to set the Tint slider to use Opacity instead.