Imposition Options

Imposition refers to the printing of multiple pages on a single sheet. This is also known as N-Up printing.
The options on this page allow for the setting of imposition repetition, order, margins and markings.

  • Sheet Size group:
    • Final Media Size: Use the drop-down to select the size of the media where the output is printed. The size of the media should be equivalent to the initial Section size multiplied by the number of repetitions, added with the margins and spaces between the repetitions.
      If Custom media size is selected, enter the custom Width and Height values.
      The Sheet Size cannot be altered if a Cover Page was selected in the Booklet Options Page.
    • Sheet Rotations: Select aspect ratio of media (Landscape or Portrait), or allow Connect to automatically determine the proper aspect ratio (Auto-Rotate).
    • Position: Select from following options:
      • Auto-positioned: This option creates unscaled imposition-ed pages.
      • Scale to fit: Scales the imposition-ed pages so they fit on the N-Up stock. The scaled pages are then auto-positioned as usual.
      • Offset: Allows for the selection of an offset position. The imposition-ed pages will be laid out so that the top left corner of the top left imposition-ed page is located at the selected offset.
        If Offset is chosen, then the Left Offset and Top Offset selection boxes become active.
        The offset measures from the top left of the physical N-Up sheet to the top left imposition-ed page. If Auto-Rotate is selected (causing the N-Up stock to be rotated to fit the imposition-ed pages) then the measurement becomes the top left position of the rotated stock. i.e. The top left corner does not rotate with the stock.
      If Booklet Binding has been selected, then the Position settings are pre-set and cannot be altered here.
    • Rotate final output Sheet 180 degrees (upside down): Select to flip the output upside down.
  • Repetition group:
    Allows selection of how many Sections are to be placed, both Horizontally and Vertically. This is the total number of items, not the number of additional items being placed.
    If Booklet Binding were selected, some of these settings will be determined by the options made within the Booklet Options Page and they cannot be altered here.
  • Space Between group:
    Allows selection of the amount of blank space to add between each repetition.
    If Booklet Binding were selected, some of these settings will be determined by the options made within the Booklet Options Page and they cannot be altered here.
  • Order group:
    If Booklet Binding were selected, some of these settings will be determined by the options made within the Booklet Options Page and they cannot be altered here.
    • Page Order: Select in which direction to go when adding sections to the output:
      • Left to right, then top to bottom
      • Right to left, then top to bottom
      • Top to bottom, then left to right
      • Top to bottom, then right to left
    • Stack Depth: Enter a stack depth or use the arrows to increment or decrement.
    • Reverse Pages: Select this option to reverse the order of pages.
      This would print the final record on the first page and the first record on the last page.
    • Force simplex: Select this option to make the output Simplex, rather than the imposition default of Duplex.
  • Bleed Margins group:
    • Top, Bottom, Left, Right: Enter the bleed margins for each side of the page.
  • CropMarks group:
    • Type: Use the drop-down to select the type of crop marks to add to the page.
    • Offset: How much separation (if any) to leave between the vertical and horizontal corner markings.
    • Width: Select the width of the crop mark lines.
    • Length: Select the Length of the crop mark lines.
Advanced Print Wizard navigation options
  • Load button: Click to select a previously created Output Creation Preset. This will change the Advanced Print Options to match the entries contained within the Preset.
  • Preview button: Click to launch a Proof Preview window, which displays how the printed output would look based upon the currently chosen selections.
  • Back and Next buttons: Used to navigate back and forth through all the selected options within the Wizard. Up until the Print button is pressed, one can reverse all the way through the wizard to return to the main selection page (the Print Options page) and add or remove printing options from the print run.
  • Print button: Click to produce print output according to the current settings. This can be done at any point within the Wizard, whether or not the options selected in the the Print Options page have been completed or not.
  • Cancel button: Cancels the Print Wizard, without creating any printout.
  • Last Topic Update: 24/01/2017 09:32
  • Last Published: 7/6/2017 : 9:49 AM