Additional Content
There are four different types of additional content that can be added at print time. Text, Images, Barcodes and OMR Marks. They are used to add static or variable content when generating output. This is useful when driving custom
processes on machines using either Barcodes or OMR Marks, as well as allowing the addition of last minute information
through text and images.
Additional Text
Text is added to the output at specific positions. This dialog displays
all the text settings:
Additional Images
Images are added at specific positions, with optional dimension constrains. This dialog displays
all the configured additional image settings:
- Left: Displays the distance
between the left margin of the page and the image.
- Bottom: Displays the distance
between the bottom margin of the page and the image .
- Orientation: Displays the
orientation of the picture.
- Filename: Displays the selected image filename.
- Condition: Displays the condition which is used to determine if the image is to be included or not.
Add: Click to open the
Image Settings dialog to add a new text entry.
Delete: Click to delete
the currently selected entry.
Edit: Click to edit the
currently selected entry using the Image Settings dialog.
Duplicate: Click to create
a copy of the entry.
Additional Barcodes
Barcodes are added at specific positions. This dialog displays
all the configured additional Barcode settings:
- Left: Displays the distance
between the left margin of the page and the Barcode .
- Bottom: Displays the distance
between the bottom margin of the page and the Barcode .
- Orientation: Displays the
orientation of the Barcode .
- Type: Displays the type
of Barcode that's added.
- Text: Displays a preview
of the Barcode contents.
- Condition: Displays a preview
of the condition.
Add: Click to add a Barcode. Select from the list of Barcode types that appears. The
Additional Barcode Settings
page lists all the available Barcodes, and links to their options..
Delete: Click to delete
the currently selected Barcode entry.
Edit: Click to edit the
currently selected Barcode entry using the Additional
Barcode Settings dialog.
Duplicate: Click to create
a copy of the barcode entry.
Additional OMR Marks
Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) marks are added at specific positions, with optional dimension constrains. This dialog displays
all the configured additional image settings:
- Left: Displays the distance
between the left margin of the page and the OMR mark.
- Bottom: Displays the distance
between the bottom margin of the page and the OMR mark.
- Orientation: Displays the
orientation of the OMR mark.
- Condition: Displays the condition which is used to determine if the OMR mark is to be included or not.
Add: Click to open the OMR Mark Settings
dialog to add a new text entry.
Delete: Click to delete
the currently selected entry.
Edit: Click to edit the
currently selected entry using the OMR Mark Settings dialog.
Duplicate: Click to create
a copy of the entry.
Advanced Print Wizard navigation options
- Load button: Click to select a previously created Output Creation Preset. This will change the Advanced Print Options to match the entries contained within the Preset.
- Preview button: Click to launch a Proof Preview window, which displays how the printed output would look based upon the currently chosen selections.
- Back and Next buttons: Used to navigate back and forth through all the selected options within the Wizard. Up until the Print button is pressed, one can reverse all the way through the wizard to return to the main selection page (the Print Options page) and add or remove printing options from the print run.
- Print button: Click to produce
print output according to the current settings. This can be done at any point within the Wizard, whether or not the options selected in the the Print Options page have been completed or not.
- Cancel button: Cancels the Print Wizard, without creating any printout.