Metadata Options

The Metadata Option page defines metadata tags that will be added to the output file when producing PDF and AFP output in the Output Creation Presets. Metadata tags are ignored in all other output types. The tags are added to each of the levels, as indicated by the tabs on top: Job, Job Segment, Document, Document Set, and Page Tags.

In each of these levels, a list of tags is available:

  • Always create meta data for this level even when fields are selected: Select to create a blank meta data entry if no fields are selected. Done to ensure that a meta data store is always available, if required.
  • Tag Name: Name of the metadata tag added to this level. Once a tag has been added, its name can be edited by double-clicking on the Tag Name.
  • Source Type: Displays the type of field being used - either Text or Data Field.
  • Source: For Data Fields only. The Field name from the data mapping configuration whose value will be used for this tag.
  • Add Field: Click to add a new tag to the current level. The Field Selection dialog appears. Select either Add field meta data or Add text meta data.
    When adding field meta data select a field name from the Field List and click OK to add it as a tag of the same name.
  • Delete Field: Click to delete the currently selected tag.
  • Move Up: Click to move the currently selected tag one position up.
  • Move Down: Click to move the currently selected tag one position down.
  • Last Topic Update: 24/01/2017 09:32
  • Last Published: 7/6/2017 : 9:49 AM