What are Boundaries?

Boundaries are the division between source records. They can be set using different types of rules such as text, pages or even custom javascript rules.

Boundaries differ from Delimiters. Delimiters defines the separation within the source file. For example, in CSV the delimiters are between each row whereas in PDF, delimiters separate pages. When defining boundaries however, multiple delimiters can be included between boundaries - many pages per invoice, many CSV row per transaction, etc.

To set a boundary, a specific trigger must be found. The trigger is something that is either static ("Page 1 of" on text or PDF files) or something that changes on each source record (a customer ID at a specific location, a username, etc).

  • Last Topic Update: 24/01/2017 09:31
  • Last Published: 7/6/2017 : 9:49 AM