Server Extension Scheduling Preferences

The Server Extension Scheduling Preferences define the PReS Connect Server Extension (Slave) connection settings to the main PReS Connect Server module (the Master Server).

  • Location of the master server: Enter the location and port of PReS Connect Master Server module in hostname:port format.
    For example, or connect-master:9340.
  • Username for the master server: Enter the username expected by the PReS Connect Master Server.
  • Password for the master server: Enter the password expected by the PReS Connect Master Server for the selected username.
  • Note that Maximum records in a small job and Minimum records in a large job are not actually used in Server Extensions. All server scheduling is handled by the Master Server.
  • Last Topic Update: 09:03 PM Jun-27-2017
  • Last Published: 2019-05-22 : 2:51 PM