Scheduling Preferences

The scheduling preferences are a way to control precisely how the PReS Connect services work in the background.

Whenever an operation is scheduled:

  • The number of instances to use is determined based on whether the operation is small, medium or large
  • If there is a reserved instance for that type of command available then it will use a reserved instance
  • If no reserved instances are available then any unreserved instance that is available will be used
  • If no instances are available then the command will be blocked until an appropriate instance becomes available
For more information on instances and performance, see Performance Considerations.

Scheduling Properties

  • Configure scheduling options group: Defines what is considered a small or large job (anything in between is considered "medium" jobs).
    • Maximum records in a small job: Enter the maximum number of records for a job to be considered small.
    • Minimum records in a large job: Enter the minimum number of records for a job to be considered large.

Scheduling - Engines

To configure the Weaver or Merge engines, select from those options under Scheduling.

  • Last Topic Update: 09:03 PM Jun-27-2017
  • Last Published: 2019-05-22 : 2:52 PM