Integers are signed, numeric, whole 64bit numbers whose values range from -(2^63) to (2^63). Integers are the numerals with the highest precision (and the fastest processing speed) of all, since they are never rounded.
Defining Integer values
- Preprocessor:
- In the Step properties pane, under Properties, add or select a field.
- Specify the Type as Integer and set a default value as a number, such as
42 .
- Extraction:
- In the Data Model, select a field.
- On the Step properties pane, under Field Definition set the Type to Integer.
The field value will be extracted and treated as an integer.
- JavaScript Expression: Set the desired value to any Integer value. Example:
record.fields["AnswerToEverything"] = 42;
Building Integer Values
Integers can be set through a few methods, all of which result into an actual integer result.
- Direct attribution: Assign an integer value directly, such as
42 , 99593463712 or data.extract("TotalOrdered");
- Mathematical operations: Assign the result of any mathematical operation. For example:
22+51 , 3*6 , 10/5 or . For more information on mathematics in JavaScript , see w3Schools - Mathematical Operators. For more advanced mathematical functions, see w3schools - Math Object.
When adding numbers that are not integers, for instance 4.5 + 1.2 , a round towards zero rounding is applied after the operation was made. In the previous example, the result, 5.7 , is rounded to 5 . In another example, -1.5 - 1 results in -2