
The template object represents the template with all its contexts and sections. It is used frequently in Control Scripts (see Control Scripts and Control Script API).

It is retrieved via the merge object: merge.template (see merge).

Which contexts are available in the template can be queried using merge.template.contexts. To get access to a specific context, you have to specify the ContextType (see ContextType).

Field Type Description
contexts Array Array of contexts (see context) available in the template. The contexts contain the sections (see section).


The following Control Script retrieves two Print sections. Then, depending on a value in the current record, it enables one section or the other, so that only one of the two sections appears in the output.

var printSections = merge.template.contexts.PRINT.sections;
printSections['Section EN'].enabled = false;
printSections['Section FR'].enabled = false;

if(record.fields.Language === 'FR'){
	printSections['Section FR'].enabled = true;
} else {
	printSections['Section EN'].enabled = true;
  • Last Topic Update: 07:59 AM Dec-20-2016
  • Last Published: 2019-05-22 : 2:52 PM