
Contexts are parts of a template that are each used to generate a specific type of output: Web, Email or Print.

  • The Print context outputs documents to either a physical printer a PDF file; see Print context.
  • The Email context outputs HTML email, composed of HTML code with embedded CSS. See Email context.
  • The Web context outputs an HTML web page. See Web Context.

When a new template is made, the Context appropriate to that new template is automatically created, including one section. After a template has been created, the other two contexts can be added to it; see Adding a context.

If an Email context is going to be part of the template, it is recommended to start with an Email Template Wizard; see Creating an Email template with a Wizard. After creating a template, contexts can be added to it, but that can not be done with a wizard.

Outputting and combining contexts

All three contexts can be present in any template and they can all be used to output documents; see Generating Email output, Generating Print output and Generating Web output.

They can even be combined in output.

If present in the same template, a Print context and a Web context can be attached to an Email context.

Outputting other combinations of contexts, and selecting sections based on a value in the data, can be done via a Control Script; see Control Scripts.

Adding a context

To add a context, right-click the Contexts folder on the Resources pane and click New print context, New email context or New web context. Only one context of each type can be present in a template. Each context, however, can hold more than one section; see Sections.

Deleting a context

To delete a context, right-click the context on the Resources pane and click Delete.

No backup files are maintained in the template. The only way to recover a deleted section, is to click Undo on the Edit menu, until the deleted section is restored. After closing and reopening the template it is no longer possible to restore the deleted context this way.
To prevent losing any work, it is recommended to configure the auto-save and auto-backup functions in the preferences (see Saving Preferences).

  • Last Topic Update: 09:08 AM Jun-29-2017
  • Last Published: 2019-05-22 : 2:51 PM