Context Properties dialog

Which properties are available in the Context Properties dialog depends on the context: Email or Print.

To open this dialog, right-click the context on the Resources pane and select Properties.

Email Context Properties

For the Email context, the Context Properties dialog defines options that are used when generating email output (see Generating Email output).

  • Print Context Image Compression: Defines the properties of the PDF when attaching the Print context to email output.
    • Lossless: Enables maximum quality in the PDF. Note that this will produce a larger PDF.
    • Quality: Disabled when Lossless is checked. Determines the quality (aka compression) of the attached PDF.
    • Tile Size: Use the drop-down to select the size of the tiles used in the image. When low Quality values are used to optimize images smaller than 1024 x 1024 pixels, using the largest tile size will produce better results.

Print Context Finishing Options

For the Print context, the Context Properties dialog defines finishing options for when it is printed (see Generating Print output). These options affect the context as a whole including all sections.

For an explanation of all Binding and Hole making options, see Finishing Options.

  • Last Topic Update: 09:08 AM Jun-29-2017
  • Last Published: 2019-05-22 : 2:52 PM