Data Matrix Settings

A Data Matrix barcode is a high-density, two-dimensional (2D) matrix barcode which supports encoded text, numbers, files and digital data. Use the following options to configure the output Barcode settings:

  • Position group:
    • Orientation: Use the drop-down to select the orientation of the Barcode added to the page.
    • Output once per sheet: Option relates to Imposition (also known as N-Up) printing. Select this box to have the Barcode printed once per sheet rather than once per document page.
      If Imposition options such as auto-positioning and scaling were selected, these options won't apply to the Additional Content added to the physical N-Up sheet.
    • Left: Enter the distance between the left margin of the page and the Barcode, in either metric (cm/mm), inch (in), pixel (px) or point (pt) values.
    • Bottom: Enter the distance between the bottom margin of the page and the Barcode, in either metric (cm/mm), inch (in), pixel (px) or point (pt) values.
  • Datamatrix Properties g:
    • Module Width: Specifies the width of the narrow bars. Changing this value to higher value will generally make the Barcode bigger.
    • Encoding: The data represented in the symbol can be compressed using one of the following algorithms:
      • Auto: Automatically detect the data content and encodes using the most appropriate method. This is the default option.
      • ASCII: is used to encode data that mainly contains ASCII alphanumeric characters (ASCII 0-127). Use where Barcode size is a concern and where the data is alphanumeric.
      • Base 256: used to encode 8-bit values.
      • C40: used for data that mainly consists of numbers and upper-case alphabetic letters.
      • Text: used for data that mainly consists of numbers and lower-case alphabetic letters.
      • None: Does not use any encoding.
    • Format: select the Barcode size format from the drop-down list .
  • Text: Enter the text used to generate the Barcode.
    • Add button: Click to display a list of variable data that can be added to the Barcode. This includes metadata fields added in the Metadata Options, as well as some information fields.
  • Condition: Enter the condition which determines whether or not the Barcode will be added to the document at print time. For details on how to create a conditional, see the How to Set Conditionals page.
    • Add button: Click to display a list of metadata fields, information fields to add, or common expressions to the condition.
  • Last Topic Update: 02:30 AM Aug-19-2016
  • Last Published: 2019-05-22 : 2:52 PM