Printer Settings Dialog

This dialog allows you to add or modify custom settings for printers. The settings available will differ between printer types. IPDS output has more options than the others.
Each printer setting subsection appears in it's own area, which can be folded up or down by clicking on the blue title bar atop each subsection.

The available entries include the following options:

  • Printer Details:
    • Enable Printer: Check to enable the printer settings.
      • Printer Type: Select the type of printer to add, from the drop down list.
      • Name: Enter a name that describes the printer in the list.
      • IP Address: Enter the IP Address or machine name of the printer.
      • Port (IPDS Only): Enter the port on which the printer communicates.
      • LPR (PCL and PostScript Only): Enter the printer queue.
        This will almost always be RAW.
      • Hot Folder subsection: Defines folders from which print output files are automatically captured and sent to the appropriate printer queue.
        • Enable Hot Folders: Check to enable hot folders. Then enter the folders from which the Print Manager will capture print files automatically and send them to the appropriate Priority queue on the printer. There are High, Medium and Low priority queues available and each can be set here.
      • Extended Options (IPDS only) subsection: Defines logging of printer activities.
        • Ack Pages: The number of pages to send to the printer for printing before sending an acknowledgement request.
          Acknowledgement requests slow the printing process down, as the printer needs to process the request and return the information.
          The default Ack Pages number is 100 pages which means the Print Manager will send an acknowledgement request to the printer in 100 page increments until the end of the job. Given the overhead in processing such requests, the smaller the Page number, the slower the printing becomes.
        • Create Trace File: Select this to log all communications to a log file.
      • End of Job Preferences (IPDS only) subsection: Select from these options to determine job end processing.
        • Edge Marks: Select this to add an Edge Mark to the final page of a job. Used to indicate job separation in Continuous Form printing.
        • Stack Receive Pages: Add blank pages to the end of the job in order to push the completed job to the stacker.
      • Error Handling Preferences (IPDS only) subsection: Select these to STOP printing upon encountering the following errors:
        • Undefined Character Check: If an undefined character is encountered in the job. For example, the Euro symbol might be present in the job, but missing from the printer.
        • Report Page Position Check: When printed beyond the edge of the page boundaries. For example, an image that extends beyond the edge of the page.
        • Handle Errors: Stops on all other optional errors.
    • Description subsection: An optional printer description can be entered here, if desired.
  • Last Topic Update: 10:41 AM Jun-08-2017
  • Last Published: 2019-05-22 : 2:52 PM