moveTo()Moves the position of the pointer in the source data file. This is a method of the steps object (see steps). moveTo(scope, verticalPosition)Moves the current position in a text file to scope Number that may be set to:
verticalPosition Number. What it represents depends on the value specified for With the scope set to 0 or With the scope set to 1 or With the scope set to 2, ExampleThe following line of code moves the current position in a text file 14 lines down from the current vertical position (
moveTo(scope, verticalOffset)Moves the current position in a PDF file to scope Number that may be set to:
verticalOffset Double. What it represents depends on the value specified for With the scope set to 0 or With the scope set to 1 or moveTo(xPath)Moves the current position in a XML file to the first instance of the given node, relative to the top of the record. xPath String that defines a node in the XML file. The XML elements drop-down (on the Settings pane, under Input Data) lists xPaths defining nodes in the current XML file.
moveTo(row)Moves the current position in a CSV file to the given row number. row Number that represents the index of the row, relative to the top of the record. |