Multiple Conditions step

The Multiple Conditions step is useful to avoid the use of nested Condition steps: Condition steps inside other Condition steps.
In a Multiple Conditions step, conditions or rather Cases are positioned side by side.
Each Case condition can lead to an extraction.
Cases are executed from left to right.

Adding a Multiple Conditions step

To add a Multiple Conditions step, right-click the Steps pane and select Add a Step > Add Multiple Conditions.

To add a case, click the Add case button to the right of the Condition field in the Step properties pane.

Configuring a Multiple Conditions step

For information about how to configure the Multiple Conditions step, see Multiple Conditions step properties. The settings for a Case are the same as for a Condition step; see Condition step properties.

  • Last Topic Update: 28, June, 2017 05:58 AM
  • Last Published: 23, May, 2019 01:55 PM