Preprocessor step

The Preprocessor step allows the application to modify the incoming data prior to executing the rest of the extraction workflow through a number of preprocessors. It also lets you define properties, to be added to each record or to the data as a whole. A unique ID could be created to be added to each record in the output for integrity checks later on. A time stamp could be added to create reports. A tag could be added to process certain records differently. A preprocessor could remove certain records altogether.

One example of how a preprocessor could be used is given in a How-to: Using Preprocessors in DataMapper.


To add a property:

  1. Select the Preprocessor step on the Steps pane.
  2. On the Step properties pane, under Properties, click the Add button . See Properties for an explanation of the settings for properties.

To set the value of a property you can use an Action step (see Action step).


The Preprocessor step can contain any number of preprocessors. They will be run in sequence before the data is sent to the Data Mapping workflow. To add a preprocessor:

  1. Select the Preprocessor step on the Steps pane.
  2. On the Step properties pane, under Preprocessor, click the Add button .
  3. Under Preprocessor definition, add the script. Preprocessing tasks must be written in JavaScript (see Using scripts in the DataMapper and DataMapper Scripts API).

Configuring the Preprocessor step

For an explanation of the settings for preprocessors, see: Preprocessor step properties.

  • Last Topic Update: 19, December, 2017 05:00 AM
  • Last Published: 23, May, 2019 01:55 PM