Capture OnTheGo API

As of Connect 1.8, cotg-2.0.0.js has replaced the cotg-1.x.js versions of the Capture OnTheGo (COTG) plugin, introducing events and options for COTG widgets. This topic lists all available options and custom events for widgets, as well as their initialization function.

How to use the COTG plugin is explained in the following topic: Using the COTG plugin: cotg-2.0.0.js.
To learn how to create widgets in code, see Dynamically adding COTG widgets and Saving and restoring custom data and widgets.

For a list of all COTG elements and their intended use, see COTG Elements.

Barcode Scanner


Initializing a Barcode Scanner element prepares it for user interaction.
Example: $('myScanner').cotgBarcode();


The Barcode Scanner listens for the following events.

Event Description
clear.cotg Removes the scanned Barcode data.
scan.cotg Opens the scanner.

The Barcode Scanner broadcasts the following events.

Event Description
set.cotg This event is fired after Barcode data has been set to the value of the input.




Optional. An array containing the desired settings, e.g. {quality: 50, height: 1024, width: 1024}. For any unspecified options the default settings will be used.

Initialize the new Camera element with any settings that you want to be different from the defaults.
Example: $('#myCamera').cotgPhotoWidget({quality: 50, height: 1024});

How to change the default settings is explained in another topic: Changing default settings for widgets.

Option Description Type Default

Allows the user to edit the image after taking or selecting it. Which editing options the user actually gets and how they are presented depends on the operating system of the device.




The returned image's file encoding: jpg or png.



height The maximum height in pixels



width The maximum width in pixels. Number 1152
source Which buttons are enabled: Take now (take), Library (pick), or both (takeandpick). String 'takeandpick'
scaleimage Scales the image to fit the maximum width or height. The aspect ration is maintained. Boolean true
quality Quality of the saved image, expressed as a range of 0-100, where 100 is full resolution with no loss from file compression. Number 80
allowannotations Adds an Image & Annotation widget to edit the picture. Boolean false
allowdeskew Allows the user to perform a perspective cropping after taking or selecting a picture.




Adds a time stamp



stampFormat The date format. For all possible formats see Cordova documentation. 'L' stands for localized date and time. String 'L'
stampAlign The position of the stamp, specified by combining horizontal alignment (left, center, right) with vertical alignment (top, middle, bottom) and joining them with a vertical bar ('|'). String 'bottom|left'
stampFontSize The time stamp's font size: small, medium, or large. String 'medium'


The Camera listens for the following custom events.

Event Description
clear.cotg Removes the picture.
save-state.cotg Saves the path of the current picture to the local storage of the COTG app.
restore-state.cotg Restores the state of the widget when the form is reopened in the COTG app, after the app has restored previously entered values of static input fields.

The Camera broadcasts the following events.

Event Description
clear.cotg Fired after the user has clicked the Clear button.
set.cotg Fired after the user has taken or selected a picture.

Date and Formatted Date


Initializing a Date or Formatted Date element prepares it for user interaction.
Example: $('myDatePicker').cotgDatePicker();

Note that the difference between a Date and a Formatted Date is laid down in the HTML structure of the element.


The Date and Formatted Date elements listen for the following custom events.

Event Description
clear.cotg Removes the date.

Sets the given date. The date should be given as a Date object, for example:
$("#date").trigger("set.cotg", new Date()); // set current date

show-date-picker.cotg Opens the Date picker. Optionally, you can provide a date (as a Date object) for the Date picker to be opened with, for example:
$('#date1').trigger("show-date-picker.cotg", new Date("2018-01-01"));

Device Info


Initializing a Device Info element puts information about the device (phone or tablet) that displays the form, in the hidden input of the element.
Example: $('#myDeviceInfo').cotgDeviceInfo();


The Device Info element listens for the following event.

Event Description

Removes the Device Info data.

The Device Info element broadcasts the following event.

Event Description
set.cotg This event is fired during initialization of the element, after setting its info to the current device.

Document ID


Initializing a new Document ID puts the current Document ID in the hidden input of the element.
Example: $('#myDocID').cotgDocumentId();


The Document ID element listens for the following event.

Event Description

Removes the Document ID.

The Document ID element broadcasts the following event.

Event Description
set.cotg This event is fired during initialization of the element, after setting its value to the current Document ID.

Fields Table

The Fields Table element itself is just a table, so it doesn't have to be initialized. However, after dynamically adding it to a Form, you still have to add the correct event handlers to the Add and Delete buttons, as follows (replace myTable by the ID of your table):

$("#myTable [role=cotg-add-row-button]").on("click", function(){

$("myTable").on("click", "[role=cotg-delete-row-button]", function(){




Optional. An array containing the desired settings, e.g. {enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout: 3000}. For any unspecified options the default settings will be used.

Call cotgGeolocation([options]) on the new Geolocation element with any settings that you want to be different from the defaults.
Example: $('#myGeolocation').cotgGeolocation({timeout: 6000});

How to change the default settings is explained in another topic: Changing default settings for widgets.

Option Description Type Default

By default, the device attempts to retrieve a position using network-based methods. Setting this property to true tells the framework to use more accurate methods, such as satellite positioning.



maximumAge Accept a cached position if it isn't older than the specified time in milliseconds.



timeout The maximum length of time (milliseconds) that is allowed to pass before the position is retrieved.




The Geolocation element listens for the following events.

Event Description

Removes the Geolocation data.

restore-state.cotg Restores the state of the widget when the form is reopened in the COTG app, after the app has restored previously entered values of static input fields.
update.cotg Sets the element to the current geolocation.

Image & Annotation


Initializing a new Image & Annotation element prepares it for user interaction.
Example: $('#myNoteOnImage').cotgNoteOnImage();

To use this element with a Camera widget instead of a static image, you only have to initialize the Camera widget with the allowannotations option set to true. The Camera widget will automatically initialize the Image & Annotation widget.

The Image & Annotation element listens for the following events.

Event Description
bind-to-image.cotg Bind an annotation to the picture.
clear.cotg Removes any annotations.
clear-note.cotg Removes any annotations. When using this element with a Camera element, trigger this event to remove annotations without removing the picture.
restore-state.cotg Restores the annotations when the form is reopened in the COTG app, after the app has restored previously entered values of static input fields.
save-state.cotg Saves the annotations.

The Image & Annotation element broadcasts the following events.

Event Description
set.cotg Fired after an annotation has been made.



Initializing a new Locale element sets it to the device's locale.
Example: $('#myLocale').cotgLocale();


The Locale element listens for the following event.

Event Description

Removes the Locale data.

The Locale element broadcasts the following event.

Event Description
set.cotg This event is fired during initialization of the element, after setting its value to the current locale.

Repository ID


Initializing a new Repository ID puts the current Repository ID in the hidden input of this element. The Repository ID is based on the currently logged on COTG user.
Example: $('#myRepID').cotgRepositoryId();


The Repository ID element listens for the following custom events.

Event Description

Removes the Repositiory ID data.

The Repository ID element broadcasts the following event.

Event Description
set.cotg This event is fired during initialization of the element, after setting its value to the current Repository ID.



Initializing a new Signature element prepares it for user interaction.
Example: $('#mySignature').cotgSignature();


The Signature element listens for the following custom events.

Field Description
clear.cotg Removes the signature drawing and data.

Draws the signature on the form (e.g. after a set.cotg or restore-state.cotg event).

restore-state.cotg Called when the form is reopened in the COTG app, after the app has restored previously entered values of static input fields.
save-state.cotg Saves the signature data to the local storage of the COTG app.
set.cotg Sets the given signature. The signature should be given as an SVG string, for example:
$(“#signature”).trigger(“set.cotg”, “<svg>…</svg>”);

The Signature element broadcasts the following events.

Field Description

This event is fired after a user has entered a signature and clicked the Done button of the Signature window on the device.

clear.cotg Fired after a user has clicked the Done button of the Signature window without entering a signature.

Fired each time the signature is drawn on the form (by the app, not by the user; e.g. after a set.cotg or restore-state.cotg event).

Time and Formatted Time


Initializing a new (Formatted) Time element prepares it for user interaction.
Example: $('#myTimePicker').cotgTimePicker();

Note that the difference between a Time and a Formatted Time is laid down in the HTML structure of the element.


The Time and Formatted Time elements listen for the following custom events.

Event Description

Stores the given time (specified in a Date object).

clear.cotg Removes the set time.
show-time-picker.cotg Opens the Time Picker. If no time is provided (specified in a Date object), the current time will be shown.

User Account


Initializing a new User Account element puts the account of the current user in the hidden input of this element.
Example: $('#myUser').cotgUserAccount();


The User Account element listens for the following custom event.

Event Description
clear.cotg Removes the User Account data.

The User Account element broadcasts the following event.

Event Description
set.cotg This event is fired during initialization of the element, after setting its value to the current user account.
  • Last Topic Update: 22, November, 2017 10:29 AM
  • Last Published: 23, May, 2019 01:55 PM