Sheet Configuration dialog

The Sheet Configuration dialog defines how different Print context sections output on different Media (see Media) and using different Master Pages (see Master Pages).

General options

The first option defines Duplex printing, which also enables or disables the settings for the Back side of each sheet.
If Duplex is enabled, you can also:

  • Check Omit empty back side for Last or Single sheet to reset a page to Simplex if it has an empty back side. Thus changing a Duplex job into a Mixplex job may reduce volume printing costs as omitted back sides aren't included in the number of printed pages.
  • Check Tumble to duplex pages as in a calendar. (On Portrait output, this would be equivalent to short-edge duplex.)
  • Check Facing pages to have the margins of the section switch alternately, so that pages are printed as if in a magazine or book.

The Media rotation setting rotates the Media

Sheet position options

With the option Same for all positions checked, the same Master Page and Media will be applied to every page in the Print section.
When this option isn't checked, there are multiple groups, each defining the settings for pages grouped by their position within the section as it outputs: First, Middle, Last and Single sheets.

Each group defines:

  • Allow content on: Selects on which face of the sheet content is allowed.
    If Front only or Back only is selected, the page acts as a Simplex page even though Duplex printing is enabled. The other page may contain a Master Page, but no contents will be printed on it. As such it does not count in the Content Page Number and Content Page Count markers which can be inserted via the Insert menu (see Page numbers ).
  • Media: Defines the media that is used. If the Media has Virtual Stationery defined, the selected image is shown as a background to each page that corresponds to the media's sheet position.
    • Edit Script: Click this button to create a script that defines which Media is used.
  • Master Page Front: Defines the Master Page used for the front of the selected sheet's position. (Disabled if Back only is selected under Allow content on).
  • Master Page Back: Defines the Master Page used for the back of the selected sheet's position. (Disabled if Front only is selected under Allow content on, or if Duplex is unchecked.)
  • Last Topic Update: 31, October, 2017 10:50 AM
  • Last Published: 23, May, 2019 01:55 PM