Printers pane

The Printers pane allows you to add or remove printers to the Print Manager. Once a printer is added here it will be available for use within the Printer Queue pane.

The following information (all editable via the Printer Settings Dialog) is displayed for each printer:

  • Printer Name: Displays the name of the printer.
    The background color and the icon to the left of the printer indicates the current status of the queue. The two options are:
    • Green: The queue is active and any job sent to it is immediately streamed to the printer.
    • Yellow: The queue is paused and jobs will wait before being streamed to the printer.
    • Red: The printer is stopped due to a physical error (such as running out of toner) on the printer.
  • <> HotFolder : Displays the paths of any hot folders that are set.
  • <> IP Address: Displays either the IP Address or machine name of the IPDS printer.
  • <> Port (IPDS Only): Displays the port the printer communicates on.
  • <> Queue (PCL and PostScript Only): Displays the printing file type.
  • <> Description: Displays printer description, if one exists for the printer..

The following controls are available to the right of the printer list, as well as via right-mouse click context menus:

  • Add job to selected printer: Click to add file(s) to the printer queue for the selected printer. These jobs will then appear in the queue for that printer in the Printer Queue pane.
  • Add job with Page Range: Click to load a file directly to the printer queue while specifying a page range to print.
  • Add Printer: Click to add a new printer using the Printer Settings Dialog.
  • Edit Printer: Click to edit the currently selected printer using the Printer Settings Dialog.
  • Delete: Click to delete the currently selected printer.
  • Stop Printer Queue: Click to stop the currently selected printer(s) queue, which prevents any new jobs from being printed on the stopped printer(s). The printer status icon in the Printer Queue pane turns yellow, indicating that the printer is not active.
  • Start Printer Queue: Click to resume the currently selected printer(s) queue. Any job within the queue assigned to the printer(s) will then start being printed. The printer status icon in the Printer Queue pane will turn green, to indicate that the printer is active.
  • Pause HotFolder: Click to pause the hot folder for the currently selected printer. This does not prevent jobs in the printer queue from generating output - only new jobs will stop being captured in the Hot Folder. This button is only activated when the Hot Folder is currently active.
  • Resume HotFolder: Click to resume capturing new jobs in the Hot Folder for the currently selected printer. This button is only available when the Hot Folder is paused.
  • Expand: Click to expand the current printer details within the Printer pane, if not already expanded.
  • Collapse: Click to hide the current printer details within the Printer pane, if they were currently expanded.
  • Disable Printer: Click to disable the selected printer(s). This either removes the selected printer(s) from view in the Printer Pane (if the Hide disabled printers option is active in the General tab of the Preferences) or highlights the printer(s) in red, to visually indicate that they are disabled.
    If the Hide disabled printers option is active in the General tab of the Preferences, any disabled printers will disappear from the Printers Pane.
    To return them to view, the Hide disabled printers option must be de-selected in the Preferences.
  • Enable Printer: Click to re-enable the selected disabled printer(s).
  • Last Topic Update: 12, December, 2017 11:18 PM
  • Last Published: 23, May, 2019 01:55 PM