Update Document Set Metadata Properties

Submits a request to update (and replace) the metadata properties for a specific Document Set entity in the Server.

Request takes a JSON Name/Value List as content (the Document Set ID and the new metadata properties), and on success returns a response containing the result of the request for update/replacement (“true”).


Method Type:




Content: JSON Name/Value List of metadata properties for Document Set
Content Type:


Add. Headers:

If server security settings are enabled, then one of the following:

  • Authorization – Basic Authentication (Username and Password) credentials (Base64 encoded)
  • auth_token – Authorization Token



Name Required Type Default Value Description

The ID of the Document Set entity in Server



The following lists status codes indicative of a successful response:

Status Code Content Content-Type Add. Headers Description
Result of request to update Document Set text/plain Update of Document Set metadata properties successfully requested (response of “true” for success)


The following lists status codes indicative of a failed or error response:

Status Code Content Content-Type Add. Headers Description

401 Unauthorized

WWW-Authenticate – BASIC (Basic Authentication credentials are accepted)

Server authentication is required.

Response when neither basic authentication credentials nor an authorization token have been specified in the request headers.

401 Unauthorized

Error message

Server authentication has failed.

Response when the authorization token specified in the request headers has now expired.

403 Forbidden

Error message

Server authentication has failed.

Response when either the basic authentication credentials or the authorization token specified in the request headers are invalid.

Internal Server Error

Server error or Document Set ID mismatch in JSON