JSON Data Mapping Validation Result

Describes the result of a request to validate a data mapping operation, including a list of any errors that occurred (used specifically with the Data Mapping service).


The structure consists of an object with the following name/value pairs:

  • result – the overall result of the data mapping operation (value of either ERROR or OK) (type of string)

  • recordcount – the number of data records in the data file (type of number)

  • errors – a list of errors that occurred during the mapping process, consisting of an array of objects each with the following name/value pairs:

    • record – the number of the erroneous record in the data file (type of number)

    • reason – the mapping error/reason for this particular record (type of string)


The following is an example of this structure:

    "result": "ERROR",
    "recordcount": 105,
    "errors": [
            "record": 20,
            "reason": "Document: 20 Unparseable date: \"\""
            "record": 45,
            "reason": "Document: 45 Unparseable date: \"\""
            "record": 97,
            "reason": "Document: 97 Unparseable date: \"\""