JSON HTML Parameters

Describes a list of parameters used specifically in the creation of web content.


The structure consists of an object with the following name/value pairs:

  • section – the section within the Web context of the template to use (type of string)

  • inline – the inline mode to be used in the creation of content (type of string)
    (value of either:

    • NONE - no inlining
    • CSS - converts style rules to inline styles on elements
    • ALL - inline all resources
    • LOCAL - inline local resources; remote resources remain external)

  • cssSelector – a CSS selector for the creation of only a specific HTML element within the template (type of string)


The following is an example of this structure:

    "section": "Section 1",
    "inline": "ALL"
    "section": "Section 2",
    "cssSelector": "#salutation"