JSON Operations List

Describes a list of workflow operations (specifically asynchronous workflow operations) actively running on the server, each containing various properties including the type of workflow operation, it's starting time and it's current progress value.

This structure is used specifically with workflow based services including the Data Mapping, Content Creation, Content Creation (Email), Job Creation, Output Creation and All-In-One services.

See the Workflow Operations page of the Technical Overview section for further detail on workflow operations.


The structure consists of an array of objects each with the following name/value pairs:

  • id – the workflow operation identifier (type of string)

  • type – the workflow operation type (value of either DataMiningRestService, ContentCreationRestService, EmailExportRestService, JobCreationRestService, OutputCreationRestService or PrintRestService) (type of string)

  • subTask – the workflow operation sub-task name (type of string)

  • startTime – the workflow operation starting time stamp (value of milliseconds since midnight of January 1, 1970 UTC) (type of number)

  • progress – the workflow operation progress percentage (value in range of 0 to 100) (type of number)

Workflow operation objects with a type value of either ContentCreationRestService or PrintRestService (usually with a subTask value of Content Creation) can also contain the following name/value pair:

  • template – the name of the template being used for content creation (type of string)


The following is an example of this structure:

        "id": "1281ef9d-7a74-4448-9adf-175a0166f32e",
        "type": "DataMiningRestService",
        "subTask": "Extracting data 25%",
        "startTime": 1482367446908,
        "progress": 100
        "id": "b72e2da5-39ea-48de-85cf-a2be321a71bd",
        "type": "ContentCreationRestService",
        "subTask": "Content Creation",
        "startTime": 1482367988332,
        "progress": 12,
        "template": "business-card-ol"
        "id": "134f55a5-85f5-41d5-a0d3-e033eda45cb5",
        "type": "EmailExportRestService",
        "startTime": 1482368638197,
        "progress": 5
        "id": "d52cf2b6-9ca7-44e6-b548-5b249dedf40d",
        "type": "JobCreationRestService",
        "subTask": "Job Creation",
        "startTime": 1482367723483,
        "progress": 77
        "id": "02fa495b-ed56-47ef-ac49-e63df298b10e",
        "type": "OutputCreationRestService",
        "subTask": "Output Creation",
        "startTime": 1482367851340,
        "progress": 34
        "id": "fb414be9-4ec5-463a-8429-93153db73783",
        "type": "PrintRestService",
        "subTask": "Content Creation",
        "startTime": 1482366891203,
        "progress": 65,
        "template": "letter-ol"