JSON Record Data List

Describes a list of data fields (as name/value pairs), a data table schema and nested data records (if any) for one or more data records.

This structure is used specifically by the Content Creation and Content Creation (HTML) services when creating content directly without the prerequisite of the data mapping process.


The structure consists of an object with the following name/value pair:

  • data – the data for the data record or data records, consisting of either an object or an array of one or more objects respectively with the following name/value pairs:

    • schema – the data table schema for the data record, consisting of an object with the following name/value pairs:

      • columns – a list of the data columns/fields in the data table schema and their corresponding data types, consisting of an object with one or more name/value pairs:

        • <name> – the name (name) and data type of the data field (value of either BOOLEAN, STRING, HTMLSTRING, INTEGER, FLOAT, DATETIME or CURRENCY) (type of string)

      • tables – a list of any nested data tables in the data record, consisting of an object with one or more name/value pairs:

        • <name> – the name (name) of the data table and the data table schema for the data records it contains, consisting of an object with the following name/value pair:

          • columns – a list of the data columns/fields in the data table schema and their corresponding data types, consisting of an object with one or more name/value pairs:

            • <name> – the name (name) and data type of the data field (value of either BOOLEAN, STRING, HTMLSTRING, INTEGER, FLOAT, DATETIME or CURRENCY) (type of string)

    • fields – a list of the data fields in the data record and their corresponding data values, consisting of an object with one or more name/value pairs:

      • <name> – the name (name) and data value of the data field (type of either string, number, or boolean)

    • tables – a list of any nested data tables in the data record, consisting of an object with one or more name/value pairs:

      • <name> – the name (name) of the data table and a list the data records it contains, consisting of an array of objects each with the following name/value pairs:

        • id – a required/default fixed value of 0 for all data records (type of number)

        • fields – a list of the data fields in the data record and their corresponding data values, consisting of an object with one or more name/value pairs:

          • <name> – the name (name) and data value of the data field (type of either string, number, or boolean)

In addition, a subset of the runtime parameters defined in the template can be passed in the following object:

  • parameters – a set of runtime parameter names and their corresponding values, consisting of an object with one or more name/value pairs:

    • <name> – the name (name) and the value of the runtime parameter
      (type of either string, number, or boolean)


The following are examples of this structure:

    "data": {
        "schema": {
            "columns": {
                "ID": "STRING",
                "Gender": "STRING",
                "FirstName": "STRING",
                "LastName": "STRING"
        "fields": {
            "ID": "CU00048376",
            "Gender": "M.",
            "FirstName": "Benjamin",
            "LastName": "Verret"
    "data": {
        "schema": {
            "columns": {
                "ID": "STRING",
                "Date": "DATETIME",
                "DueDate": "DATETIME",
                "InvNumber": "STRING",
                "Gender": "STRING",
                "FirstName": "STRING",
                "LastName": "STRING",
                "TotalOrdered": "INTEGER",
                "InvSubTotal": "CURRENCY",
                "InvTaxTotal": "CURRENCY",
                "InvTotal": "CURRENCY"
            "tables": {
                "detail": {
                    "columns": {
                        "ItemNumber": "STRING",
                        "ItemDesc": "STRING",
                        "ItemUnitPrice": "CURRENCY",
                        "ItemOrdered": "INTEGER",
                        "ItemTotal": "CURRENCY"
        "fields": {
            "ID": "CU00048376",
            "Date": 1332594000000,
            "DueDate": 1335189600000,
            "InvNumber": "INV9441991",
            "Gender": "M.",
            "FirstName": "Benjamin",
            "LastName": "Verret",
            "TotalOrdered": 3,
            "InvSubTotal": "1485.00",
            "InvTaxTotal": "111.38",
            "InvTotal": "1596.38"
        "tables": {
            "detail": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "fields": {
                        "ItemNumber": "PSM002",
                        "ItemDesc": "PSM Production (unlimited)",
                        "ItemUnitPrice": "495.00",
                        "ItemOrdered": 2,
                        "ItemTotal": "990.00"
                    "id": 0,
                    "fields": {
                        "ItemNumber": "PSM005",
                        "ItemDesc": "Upgrade (Starter to Web)",
                        "ItemUnitPrice": "495.00",
                        "ItemOrdered": 1,
                        "ItemTotal": "495.00"
    "data": [
            "schema": {
                "columns": {
                    "ID": "STRING",
                    "Gender": "STRING",
                    "FirstName": "STRING",
                    "LastName": "STRING"
            "fields": {
                "ID": "CU00048376",
                "Gender": "M.",
                "FirstName": "Benjamin",
                "LastName": "Verret"
            "schema": {
                "columns": {
                    "ID": "STRING",
                    "Gender": "STRING",
                    "FirstName": "STRING",
                    "LastName": "STRING"
            "fields": {
                "ID": "CU01499303",
                "Gender": "Miss",
                "FirstName": "Dianne",
                "LastName": "Straka"