HTML Input Placeholders & Multiple Value Fields

In the working examples, HTML input elements make use of the placeholder attribute to help provide some indication of the type and format of the value expected to be entered / specified.

The following table lists examples of placeholders commonly used in the working examples:

HTML Expected Type Example Values

Single ID Value
  • 2341
  • 3

Single ID or Name Value (File Name)
  • 2341
  • Promo-EN-1000.csv

One or More ID Values (comma separated)
  • 2341, 2342
  • 3456

String Value
  • letter-ol.OL-template
  • ol-admin
  • Section 2
  • John Smith

One or More String Values (comma separated)

  • Pablo, Micheal, Maria

Number Value

  • 453

  • 167.05

Date Value

  • 22/02/2020

Numerical Range
  • 1, 2, 3
  • 1-5
  • 1, 2, 3-5, 6

Email Address Value

Server Address or Hostname Value (with optional Port)