The GetProcessTaskList function will allow a user (a SOAP client) to remotely request the tasks list of a process. This will be useful with the PostJob method since it needs a TaskIndex.
GetProcessTaskList (ProcessName, user name, Password) : GetProcessTaskListResult
- ProcessName: The Name of the PReS Workflow process.
- user name: String containing the user name.
- Password: String containing the password. This is case sensitive.
Return Value
- GetProcessTaskListResult – Structure containing the following information:
- Success: Integer indicating the system-defined Success/Error level of the operation. A result of 0 means that the operation was successful.
- Message: String containing text information about the Success status.
- TaskNames: Structure containing the following information details:
- TaskName: String containing the name of the task
- TaskIndex: Integer: 1 based index of the task.
- TaskDepth: Integer: 1 based depth of the task.
The TaskNames array will be sorted by the execution order of the process with the primary input of the process having an index of 1.