The GetSOAPProcessList function will allow users to request the list of PReS Workflow processes that contain a SOAP Input plugin with the SOAP action name. This is useful when working with the SubmitJob SOAP API method since it requires a SOAPActionName.
GetSOAPProcessList (user name, Password) : GetSOAPProcessListResult
- user name: String containing the user name.
- Password: String containing the password. This is case sensitive.
Return Value
- GetSOAPProcessListResult: Structure containing the following information:
- Success: Integer indicating the system-defined Success/Error level of the operation. A result of 0 means that the operation was successful.
- Message: String containing text information about the Success status.
- ProcessList: Structure containing the following information details.
- SOAPActionName: String containing the name of the process as seen in your PReS Workflow.
- Active – Boolean value indicating if the process is active in your PReS Workflow.
If a user has administrator privilege, he will have access to all processes and therefore he will see all the processes.