
Logger action tasks can be used to create a custom event in a Windows event log (using the APPLICATION or SYSTEM parameter) or in the Workflow log (using the WORKFLOW parameter).
Note that this requires administrator rights.


Any text-based file can be used in this task, even formats that are not directly compatible with PReS. As long as the text is visible in a text-based editor (such as Notepad), it is readable and supported by this task.


The selected operation (adding or removing lines, text or pages) is made on the data file.


The modified data file is output from this task. Metadata is not modified in any way if it is present.

Task properties

General tab
  • Level { APPLICATION | SYSTEM | WORKFLOW }: Specifies the name of the event log in which the event will be created.
  • Type { SUCCESS | ERROR | WARNING | INFORMATION }: Specifies the type of event to create.
  • Source Name: Specifies the source to use for the event. A valid source can be any string and should represent the application or component that is generating the event (e.g. PPWorkflow).
  • EventID: Specifies the event ID for the event. A valid ID is any number from 1 to 1000.
  • Description: Specifies the description to use for the newly created event.

On Error Tab

For a description of the options on the On Error tab see Using the On Error tab.

Miscellaneous Tab

The Miscellaneous tab is common to all tasks.

It contains a text area (Task comments) that lets you write comments about the task. These comments are saved when the dialog is closed with the OK button and are displayed in The Task Comments Pane.

Check the option Use as step description to display the text next to the icon of the plugin in the Process area.

The tab also provides an option to highlight the task in The Process area with the default color, set in the Preferences (see Colors), or the color selected or defined under Highlight color on this tab.
To revert the selected highlight color to the default color, open this tab, turn the Highlight option off and close the dialog with the OK button; then turn highlighting back on.
Highlighting can also be turned on and off via the task's contextual menu and with the Highlight button on the View ribbon.