Mathematical Operations

The Mathematical Operations action task resolves a mathematical expression and stores the result in an existing Job Information or other type of variable (see About variables).

When adding this task to your process, you will be asked if you want to add the task as an Action or a Condition. This task should only be used as an Action. If used as a condition, it will always return False.

The task does not modify the job file in any way, its only output is the change in the specified variable where the result is stored.


Any active data file, in any format. This data file is ignored by the task and is not modified in any way.


The task executes the mathematical operation and stores the result in the selected job info or variable.


The input data file is returned with no modifications. Metadata is not modified. A single job info or variable is modified by this task.

Task properties

General Tab
  • Mathematical Expression: Variable data field containing the expression to be evaluated. This expression may combine any combination of standard PReS Workflow variables and VBScript mathematical expressions. For example, to multiply Job Info 9 by 2, the expression would be %9*2 .

    The expression itself must be written in a format understood by the VBSCript scripting language. For more information, please see Mathematical Functions in VBSCript and VBSCript Math Operators.

  • Store result in: Variable data field containing the job information, local or global variable in which to store the result. For job information use %1 through %9, for local variables use %{variable} and for global variables use %{global.variable}.
  • Use value of Variable/JobInfo # expression: Use the contents of the variable entered in Store result in:, which is assumed to be a digit between 1 and 9. This digit determines in which job info the result of the mathematical expression is store. For example, if %{myvariable} is equal to 9, job information 9 will store the result of the mathematical operation.

This task was built using a custom plugin system and does not display the On Error tab in the regular view. To access the On Error tab, right-click on the task and select Advanced Properties...