Access Manager hosts.allow File
The Access Manager saves all its configuration in a physical location on the hard drive, and can be manually edited when necessary, for instance when Image is installed as a standalone (using the MessengerSendJob property).
The physical location for the hosts.allow file is %PROGRAMDATA%\Objectif Lune\PReS Workflow 8
File Format
The hosts.allow file is an XML file. Here is an example:
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <Permissions> <MessengerSendDoc></MessengerSendDoc> <MessengerSendJob></MessengerSendJob> <MessengerSendConfig></MessengerSendConfig> <LPD></LPD> <LPD></LPD> <HTTP></HTTP> <HTTP></HTTP> </Permissions>
As you can see, the format looks different than how it is displayed visually in the Access Manager. However, the same rule applies in that it is read from top to bottom in the order that the file is saved here.
The XML nodes in the file are equivalent to those in the Access Manager:
- <MessengerSendDoc>: Grants access to the remote computer to send new or updated PlanetPress Design Documents to this server.
- <MessengerSendJob>: Grants access to the selected computer or server to send jobs to PReS Fax and PReS Image installed on this server.
- <MessengerSendConfig>: Grants access to the remote computer to overwrite the configuration on the local PReS Workflow service
- <LPD>: Grants access to send LPD Queue jobs to this server.
- <HTTP>: Grants access to send HTTP Requests to this server.