Process All-In-One (Adhoc Data)

Submits a request to initiate a new All-In-One operation using pre-existing inputs, with the exception of input data, which is submitting along with the request.

Request takes binary file data as content, and on success will return one of two responses depending on the type of operation:

  • Asynchronous – response containing additional headers that specify the ID of the new operation as well as link URLs that can be used to retrieve further information/cancel the operation (Default)
  • Synchronous – response (depending on the parameters specified) containing either:
    • the absolute paths of the final output files produced (multiple spool files) or the content of a final output file (single spool file)
    • the absolute path or paths of the final output file or files produced (single or multiple spool files respectively) (Get Result as Text Only)
Type: POST
URI: /rest/serverengine/workflow/print/{dmConfigId}/{templateId}/{jcConfigId}/{ocConfigId}


  • dmConfigId – the Managed File ID (or Name) of the Data Mapping configuration in File Store
  • templateId – the Managed File ID (or Name) of the design template in File Store
  • jcConfigId – the Managed File ID (or Name) of the Job Creation Preset in File Store (Optional – the value of "0" can be specified if no preset is to be used)
  • ocConfigId – the Managed File ID (or Name) of the Output Creation Preset in File Store


  • async – whether to run the operation asynchronously (Default Value: true)
  • resultAsTxt – whether to retrieve the result as text (Synchronous Only) (Default Value: false)
  • createOnly – whether output is to be only created in the server and not sent to it's final destination (Default Value: false)
  • printRange – a specific range of records in the input data file to restrict the print output to (No Default Value)
  • filename – the file name of the data file to be uploaded (No Default Value)
Add. Headers: auth_token – Authorization Token (if server security settings enabled)
Content: Data File (File)
Content Type: application/octet-stream
Add. Headers:
  • operationId – Operation ID of new All-In-One operation
  • Link – Contains multiple link URLs that can be used to retrieve further information/cancel the operation
Content Type:
  • 202 Accepted – Data file successfully uploaded to File Store and creation of new operation successful
  • 400 Bad Request – Unable to locate one or more inputs in File Store with Managed File ID(s) and/or Name(s) specified
  • 401 Unauthorized – Server authentication required
  • 403 Forbidden – Server authentication has failed or expired
  • 500 Internal Server Error – General error with running the All-In-One Process or a Specific error relating to the uploading of the data file or an individual workflow process (see error description)
Response (Synchronous):
Add. Headers:
Content: Absolute Paths of the Output Files or the Output File itself
Content Type: application/octet-stream
  • 200 OK – Data file uploaded to File Store, and a new operation was created and completed successfully with the result returned
  • 400 Bad Request – Unable to locate one or more inputs in File Store with Managed File ID(s) and/or Name(s) specified
  • 401 Unauthorized – Server authentication required
  • 403 Forbidden – Server authentication has failed or expired
  • 500 Internal Server Error – General error with running the All-In-One Process or a Specific error relating to the uploading of the data file or an individual workflow process (see error description)
Response (Synchronous + Get Result as Text):
Add. Headers:
Content: Absolute Path(s) of the Output File(s)
Content Type: text/plain
  • 200 OK – Data file uploaded to File Store, and a new operation was created and completed successfully with the result returned
  • 400 Bad Request – Unable to locate one or more inputs in File Store with Managed File ID(s) and/or Name(s) specified
  • 401 Unauthorized – Server authentication required
  • 403 Forbidden – Server authentication has failed or expired
  • 500 Internal Server Error – General error with running the All-In-One Process or a Specific error relating to the uploading of the data file or an individual workflow process (see error description)