The ZUGFeRD plugin provides a way to enrich German PDF invoices with data specific to the invoice. This is done by embedding the data in a standardized XML format within the PDF itself.

ZUGFeRD is an acronym for Zentraler User Guide des Forums elektronische Rechnungen Deutschland. In English this translates to Central User Guidelines of the Forum for Electronic Billing in Germany.

The ZUGFeRD standard describes three different levels of embedded information. The “BASIC” profile is the lowest level, and is the level supported by the Workflow plugin. It holds structured data which is enough to cater for most requirements of the Federal Ministries and industries (such as the software and taxation sectors) participating in the standard.

For more information, please see the ZUGFeRD website: https://www.ferd-net.de/zugferd/definition/index.html.


The ZUGFeRD plugin is bound to the Connect Workflow Imaging license.

Workflow Imaging is an add-on license bundle for Connect Workflow that includes the Image and Fax plugins.

Without a valid Imaging license, the plugin will create a valid ZUGFeRD PDF file at design time and in debug mode, but will not apply ZUGFeRD data to the PDF in runtime/production mode.

An unlicensed plugin will simply pass through any incoming PDF files untouched.

Plugin Language

The plugin is only available in German, as its application is only really relevant to documents created for the German market.

Plugin Usage

For help on how to use the ZUGFeRD plugin, see ZUGFeRD plugin.

Plugin Legal Notices and Acknowledgments

Copyright © 2020, Objectif Lune Inc. All rights reserved.

The ZUGFeRD name and logo are protected under copyright and used with permission of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für wirtschaftliche Verwaltung e.V. in Germany.

The Objectif Lune Inc. ZUGFeRD plugin uses the following third party component: Intarsys ZUGFeRD Toolkit