Process Logic tasks

A process is like a flowchart. The data files captured by the Input tasks become job files (see Job file) that travel down the process. Many processes include multiple process logic tasks.

In the Process area, conditional branches appear with their associated condition, allowing you to understand the logic of the whole process at a glance. When PlanetPress Workflow comes to a condition, it tests the condition and sends the job file down one of the two branches based on the test result. So every time a job file travels down the process, it is either routed down the True or False branch.

Branches, Loops and other Process Logic tasks do not generally modify the job file, though some may change system variables. The only exception is the Run Script action, which can be a condition that also modifies the data.
Branches, Loops and Conditions do NOT modify metadata in any way. Furthermore, even if a branch does a backup of Job Info variables and the data file, it does not back up the metadata. Keep this in mind when designing a process.

A Branch is effectively a doubling of your job file (see Job file). As your job file goes down the process, when a branch is encountered, a copy of the job file will go in that branch. In the branch, all tasks up to the Output task will be performed, before returning to the main trunk to continue processes. You can have branches within branches, and all branches must have an Output task. For more information on branches, see About branches and conditions and Branch.

A Loop is a task that will cause anything after it to repeat a certain number of times. You can indicate a static number of loops or dynamically determine the number via a variable or information from your job file, and store the iteration of the loop in a Job Info variable. See Loop.

The Send to Process Action and Go Sub Action are used to send the job file to another process or subprocess and, in the case of the GoSub, to get information back from the subprocess. See Send to Process and Go Sub.