Laserfiche Repository Output

The Laserfiche Repository Output task publishes files - and optionally sets index values - into a Laserfiche server. This task uploads any documents in a Laserfiche repository, optionally filling the index information on the Laserfiche server with dynamic information that can be taken from PlanetPress Workflow PDI files (for PlanetPress Workflow archives only).

The Laserfiche Repository Output requires the Laserfiche run-time version 8.1 or higher and will not work with previous versions. It also requires a valid PlanetPress license.

About Laserfiche

Laserfiche is a provider of digital document and record management systems. Laserfiche has two components: the Laserfiche server, which hosts the repository, and the Laserfiche client, which serves as the user’s interface with the repository. For more information see the Laserfiche website:


Any file that is compatible with Laserfiche (see the Laserfiche user manual for more information on supported files types)


A connection is established with the Laserfiche server, the file is uploaded and the metadata in the Laserfiche server is generated correctly.


The output from this task is the specified file along with the metadata within the Laserfiche server. The file is not directly modified by this task.

Task Properties

General Tab
  • Laserfiche configuration group
    • Folder: Enter the Laserfiche client repository folder where the documents will be exported. The user can specify the remote folder by clicking the Browse… button. Note: If the Folder field is empty, the documents will be exported by default to the root folder
    • Import Format group
      • Laserfiche Pages: Converts all images files (*.bmp, *.gif, *.jpeg, *.pcx, *.png, *.tif, *.tiff, *.txt) into the Laserfiche internal TIFF format on the server. When double-clicking on the document in Laserfiche the image will be opened in the Laserfiche Image Viewer.
      • Electronic files: All files will be stored in their original format in Laserfiche. When double-clicking on the document in Laserfiche the native Windows application associated with the file extension of the archive will be opened.
    • Force folder creation: Select to force the folder creation if it does not already exist on the Laserfiche server.
    • Volume: A list allowing to choose among available Laserfiche volumes.
    • Configure Tags: Click to open the Configure Tags dialog. See LaserFiche Repository Output Task - Configure Tags
    • Configure Templates: Click to open the Configure Templates dialog. See LaserFiche Repository Output Task - Configure Templates
  • PlanetPress archive folder: Folder path of the folder capture of the current process. This field is optional and should only be set when publishing PlanetPress Workflow archives that have PDI files.
    • If the PlanetPress Image archive folder field is empty and the option “Use PlanetPress PDF/A” is selected, a warning message will be displayed: "You should insert PlanetPress Image archive folder source".
    • The indexes in the PlanetPress Design document must match the ones in the Laserfiche server.
Connection Tab
  • Server Name: The server name or IP address of the server you wish to connect to.
  • Repository: The name of the repository you wish to send the files to.
  • user name: A user name in Laserfiche that has access to the above repository.
  • Password: The password for the above user name.
  • Test Connection: Click to verify that the information entered in this tab is correct and the server accepts it.

On Error Tab

For a description of the options on the On Error tab see Using the On Error tab.


  • Each Laserfiche Repository Output task uses a connection to Laserfiche. You can use as many Laserfiche Repository Output tasks at the same time as your Laserfiche license allows. If you see the error message ‘The session number was exceeded’ in the PlanetPress Workflow Service Console, it means you have exceeded your allowed number of connections.
  • To use the “Use PlanetPress PDF/A archives” option, make sure to:
    • Check the field as Multiple, select CHAR type and enter the width fields in Laserfiche administration console as long as your PlanetPress fields.
    • Insert a folder path to your PDI source files in the PlanetPress Image archive folder.
  • If a field is checked as Required in Laserfiche administration console, fill the field value.
  • If you want to assign an Informational Tag, do not check the Security tag option in the Laserfiche administration console.
  • If the output repository folder does not have access rights to read and create documents, the task will not be able to export documents to the selected Laserfiche folder.
  • If you intend to use PDI for number type, your decimal separator in both your Regional and Language Options and in PlanetPress Index (PDI) numbers should be a dot (".").
  • The Laserfiche output task will only work if an activated PlanetPress Image is found, either locally or on the network.