Output to Capture OnTheGo

The Output to Capture OnTheGo task sends document information to the Capture OnTheGo online repository. These documents can then be retrieved by the Capture OnTheGo mobile application.

This task can be added as an Action task (see Action Tasks) or as an Output task (see Output Tasks). Adding it as an Action task enables the process or branch to continue after this task. An Output task is always located at the end of a process or branch.


This task ignores the input data file and any Metadata unless data selections are used in the variable data fields.


This task does not process the data or Metadata file. The information entered in the Deposit tab of this task is sent to the repository configured in the Repository tab.


The output that this task produces is the information sent to the Capture OnTheGo online repository (the document ID).

Task properties

Repository Tab

The Repository tab is where you enter the connection information necessary to create the link between OL Connect or PlanetPress and CaptureOnTheGo.

  • Repository ID: Enter a valid Capture OnTheGo Server user name (mandatory).
  • Password: Enter the password (mandatory) that corresponds to the Repository ID entered above.
  • Show password: Check this box if you want to see the password you type in the Password box.
Deposit Tab

In the Deposit tab, you enter information regarding the document you are making available to Capture OnTheGo users.

  • Document to Publish group: This is where you specify the document location and type. It is mandatory to enter valid information in all the boxes included in this group.

    • USE URL: Enter a URL corresponding to the document location and name (note that the URL must begin with either HTTP: // or HTTPS: //). The document would typically be available from the PlanetPress HTTP Server or a regular Web server.

    • File Type: Select the appropriate document type. HTML for forms that users can fill out, and PDF for documents users can read.

    • Cover Image: Enter the path to a cover image that is shown in the repository and library list, as well as the document property. The maximum image size is 512x512 px and it is required to be in JPG or PNG format. Use the Browse button to locate an image on the local drive. The Cover Image is optional and, if omitted, displays a default image based on the file type.

  • Document Information group: In this group, you enter information that will help users identify the document. It is mandatory to enter valid information in all the boxes included in this group.

    • Title: Enter the document name that Capture OnTheGo users will see on their device. Choose a name that will let users clearly identify the document.

    • Author(s): Enter a name identifying the document’s creator(s).

    • Description: Enter a description helping users identify the document.

  • Metadata group: This group lets you determine which Capture OnTheGo users can see the document and where they will see it.

    • Recipients: Enter valid Capture OnTheGo user names separated by a semicolon as a group entry, or individual user names as a single user entry in this box. These names determine which users can have access to the document. Click the button marked with a plus sign to add groups of users or individual users to this list box. The list must include at least one entry (otherwise, no one will be able to see the document). Note that a group here is defined by having multiple names on a single line, granted that you use a semi-colon to separate each one. Also note that there cannot be any spaces before or after each group or user name and that the names are case insensitive. Click any given line to edit the information appearing on this line. To remove a group of users or a single user, make a selection in the list and then click the button marked with an X.

    • Categories: Enter at least one valid Capture OnTheGo document category in this box. Capture OnTheGo documents are listed by categories (Reference, Delivery bills, Satisfaction Polls, for instance) on Capture OnTheGo app. These categories are typically managed via the Capture OnTheGo Repository Management page. Note that there cannot be any spaces before or after each category name and that the names are case insensitive. Click the button marked with a plus sign to add a category to this list box. To remove a category, make a selection in the list and then click the button marked with an X.

    • Fail process if any of the categories does not exist: Check this box if you want the process to fail if any of the categories listed above does not exist on the Capture OnTheGo Server. If this option is not selected, and if some of the listed categories are not present on the Capture OnTheGo Server, the process will go through and the listed categories will be added to the Server.

Advanced Tab

The Advanced tab is where you specify the document's time to live either in the repository or the user's device.

  • Document Handling Options group:

    • Customize: You must check this box if you want the options included in this group to be used. When this option is not checked, the other boxes included in this group are faded.

    • Auto-Download: This option determines whether the document is to be automatically downloaded to the users’ devices (documents that are not automatically downloaded are first listed on users’ devices – users must then tap the Download button, if they want to have the document on their device). You may enter ‘Yes’, ‘No’, or a variable. The document will be automatically downloaded if the value is ‘Yes’ (whether entered manually or returned by the variable) and if the recipients list includes only individual user names. In any other case, the document will need to be manually downloaded by the users.

    • Stored on a User Device for: Enter the number of days for which the document is to remain on a user’s device once downloaded. If you leave this box empty or enter a value of 0, the document will never automatically expire on the devices.

    • Keep in repository group: The boxes found in this group let you specify how long the document is to remain in the repository (even if they are not downloaded to the user's device).

      • For: If you want the document to remain in the repository for a given number of days, select this option and enter the number of days in the corresponding box. If you leave the box empty or enter a value of 0, the document will not be removed from the repository based on this setting. Note that any positive number you enter will automatically be reflected in the Until box below.

      • Until: If you want the document to remain in the repository until a given date, select this option and enter a date in the corresponding box (the date format must be “YYYY-MM-DD” - note that you can use the date picker). The date entered corresponds to the last day of validity (the document is valid until 11:59:59 PM on the date you entered). If you leave the box empty, the document will not be removed from the repository based on this setting. Note that the date you enter will automatically be reflected in the For box above.

      • Time zone: When you enter a number of days in the For box or a date in the Until box above, the computer’s time zone appears in this box. You may select a different time zone if required.

    • Document Tracking:

      • Track documents sent: Check this option to track documents sent to the Capture OnTheGo Server. This tracking is done through the COTGDefaul.mdb database located in %ProgramData%\Objectif Lune\PlanetPress Workflow 8\PlanetPress Watch\COTG , and includes most of the information set in this task, as well as information returned from the server.

      • Store the result ID in variable: Use the drop-down to select the variable in which you want the document ID to be stored, so that it can be used in one of the following tasks (if the Output to Capture OnTheGo task has been added as an Action).

  • Blank Forms group: Check the This is a blank form option to make the form reusable. The Form will not be deleted from the app's form library when it is submitted, so it can be used over and over again. It will only be deleted from the app's form library after the number of days set in Days to keep each instance.