
A Field is a read-write, user-defined element: a name/value pair, where the name is case-insensitive. It holds custom information about a certain Node in the Metadata structure. Fields are repetitive (i.e. the same field may appear multiple times) and persist through Metadata recreation.

Fields are stored in a collection container object, just like Attributes. As is the case with the different types of Nodes, both collections share a number of methods and properties. The Fields collection however has additional methods to support multiple entries with the same name, which is forbidden with attributes.


Name Type Description



Returns the number of elements in the collection.


Name Return type Description

Add(const String Name, const String Value)


Adds a new element to the collection or overwrites its value.

Add2(const String Name, const String Value, TAddFlags Flags, Integer Index (optional))


Adds a new element with a customizable behavior if the name already exists.
Note that the TAddFlags type is not defined in an Active Script environment, such as the Run Script task. See the detailed reference for the numerical values to use.



Deletes all the elements of the collection.

CountByName(const String Name)


Returns the number of elements with the specified name.

Delete(Integer Index)


Deletes the element at the specified index.

Item(Integer Index)


Returns the value of the element stored at the specified index.

ItemByName(const String Name)


Returns the value of the element of the specified name.

ItemByNameIndex(const String Name, Integer Index)


Returns the value of the n'th element of the specified name.

Name(Integer Index)


Returns the name of the element stored at the specified index.