
The Mailjet task sends pre-rendered email content, created by the Render Email Content plugin, to Mailjet, an Email Service Provider (ESP), for bulk processing. This task uses the Mailjet Web API. This is faster than sending email over SMTP like the Create Email Content task does.

  • The Mailjet plugin is not installed by default. It is available for download on the Resource Center ( Make sure that the version number of Workflow and the plugin are the same, to avoid compatibility issues. Version 2021.1.0 is backwards compatible with Workflow down to version 2020.1.
  • In order to use HTTPS it is essential to upgrade the plugin to the 2021.1.0 version, available for download on the Resource Center (
  • To be able to send email using the Mailjet plugin, you need a Mailjet account, API key and Secret API key.

The Mailjet plugin allows you to:

  • Specify the emails' campaign name. Each e-mail going through Mailjet is attached to a campaign, which enables you to track a campaign's performance and analyze the results.
  • Add headers specifying specific handling instructions for your email. You could set an existing header like the Sensitivity or X-priority header (see, or create a custom header.

In a basic email Workflow process, this task will be preceded by the Render Email Content plugin and will be followed by a Delete task to terminate the process.

Installing the plugin

First unzip the contents of the ZIP file and then install using the wizard. Click Yes to replace any previously installed version of the plugin.

  1. Open the Workflow Configuration tool .
  2. In the Plug-In Bar, click on the two black arrows with the black triangle underneath, at the bottom right area of the window pane.
  3. In the popup menu, select “Import Plug-in” and select the PluginFileName file.
  4. If an older version of the plugin is already installed, a warning will be shown, asking if you want to overwrite the existing file. Click OK. In this case you must restart Workflow to allow proper reloading of the plugin. If you do not restart Workflow, the plugin will not function correctly. All existing instances of the plugin in Workflow processes must also be replaced by the new version.

You can now find the PluginName in the PluginCategory category of the Plug-In Bar.

No third party system resources are incorporated directly into this OL product. This means that while the plugin was tested against the associated third party systems when initially released, they may behave differently with later versions of that system. Use at your own risk.

Should you encounter any issues, please contact your local Objectif Lune Support team and we will do our best to help.

Testing the plugin

To test the plugin, drag it from the Plug-In Bar into a process. The plugin configuration dialog will open and show the index property page. If that works, the plugin is installed correctly and ready for use.

Further help can be found by pressing F1 or the Help button in Connect Workflow from the “PluginName” dialog or by searching for “PluginName” in the Workflow product documentation at


This task must receive either Metadata or JSON Job Data containing information regarding pre-rendered email messages. The Render Email Content task outputs information about the email messages that it pre-rendered either in the current Metadata or in the form of a JSON structure.

Extra attachments

To add attachments, in addition to those specified in the original email template, you should modify the input of the task, which is the Metadata or JSON Job Data file outputted by the Render Email Content task.

To specify an extra attachment, you have to use the key/value pair "disposition":"attachment".

To let the plugin know where it can find the attachment, you can either provide a full path ("url"), for example:
or a Connect File Store ID ("fileid"), for example:
[{"fileid":100034, "disposition":"attachment"}]

Optionally, you may provide a name ("name") to override the name that the plugin creates for an extra attachment.

All attachments should be combined in one array:
[{"url":"file:///C:/Terms-and-Conditions.pdf","disposition":"attachment","name":"Terms.pdf"},{"name":"Take action Mandie.pdf","disposition":"attachment"}]

The order of the key/value pairs is not important.

Any attachments added via Workflow cannot be added to the EML file which is produced by the Render Email Content task.


The plugin communicates with the Connect Server to retrieve each email message's body, any attachments and the plain text version (if available) from the File Store, using the folder ID and file names specified in the output of the Render Email Content task.
It then transforms the files into email messages as specified by Mailjet and sends the emails via the Mailjet Web API.


This task does not make any changes to the Metadata or the Job File.


General Tab

  • Mailjet API:
    • API Key and Secret Key: The API Key and Secret Key are both generated automatically when you create your Mailjet account. The plugin needs to provide them in order to authenticate its request to Mailjet's Email API endpoint.
    • Data Source (see Input):

      • Metadata: Metadata containing information about email messages. The Render Email Content task can output information about the email message(s) that it pre-rendered in the current Metadata.

      • JSON: A JSON Job File containing information about email messages. The Render Email Content task can output a JSON object or an array of JSON objects containing information about email messages. For an example of the JSON structure see the Render Email Content task.

    • Custom Campaign: Each e-mail going through Mailjet is attached to a campaign. Specify the campaign name here. If the campaign doesn't already exist it will be automatically created in the Mailjet system. When sending email through Mailjet's Web API it is allowed to send multiple emails with the same campaign name to the same contacts.
    • Headers (optional): A JSON object containing one or more key/value pairs of header names and the value to substitute for them:. For example: {"Sensitivity":"Company-Confidential","X-Priority":"1"}
      If they contain Unicode characters, you must ensure that these are properly encoded.
      Custom header names normally start with "x-": {"x-my-header":"my-value"}.
  • Debug settings:
    • Send all messages to the Test Address: When this option is checked, Mailjet will only send the emails to the given Test Address. This allows you to review the result and to test ESP specific options like open rates and click through statistics.
    • Log email messages: Check this option to get a copy of each message in the Messages window of Workflow. You can use this to verify that the messages match the format required by the ESP.

Information about the Connect Server (host, user name etc.) is taken from the Workflow Preferences (see OL Connect preferences).

Advanced properties

To get access to the following properties tabs, right-click the plugin in the process and select Advanced Properties.

On Error Tab

For a description of the options on the On Error tab see Using the On Error tab.

Miscellaneous Tab

The Miscellaneous tab is common to all tasks.

It contains a text area (Task comments) that lets you write comments about the task. These comments are saved when the dialog is closed with the OK button and are displayed in The Task Comments Pane.

Check the option Use as step description to display the text next to the icon of the plugin in the Process area.

The tab also provides an option to highlight the task in The Process area with the default color, set in the Preferences (see Colors), or the color selected or defined under Highlight color on this tab.
To revert the selected highlight color to the default color, open this tab, turn the Highlight option off and close the dialog with the OK button; then turn highlighting back on.
Highlighting can also be turned on and off via the task's contextual menu and with the Highlight button on the View ribbon.