Object Inspector appearance preferences


This window lets you set the color of individual Object Inspector elements. To change the color of a given element, select it in the list box above and then choose a color from the drop-down list below.


  • Vertical line 3D: Select to display the vertical line between property names and their values using a 3-dimensional effect.
  • Use groups: Select to organize the display of properties into groups. Clear the selection to display properties in alphabetical order. When the Object Inspector displays properties in groups, it displays an expand/collapse button to the left of the name of the group for expanding or collapsing the group.
  • Sunken active property: Select to use a recessed effect to display the currently selected property.
  • Border active property: Select to display a border around the currently selected property.
  • Show lines: Select to display lines between elements.
  • Line style: Select a style for the lines.
  • Reset to default button: Click to reset all the Object Inspector options to their default values.