
This function returns a new set containing a copy of each element in a set; see Dynamically adding sections (cloning).

To duplicate an existing template element, clone it before calling append(); see append().

Calling clone() multiple times before calling addAfter() or addBefore() currently won't work, as each next clone will get the same default name and replaces the previous clone. To avoid this you should either explicitly assign a unique name to each clone (i.e. not rely on the default name), or call addAfter() or addBefore() before calling clone() again.


This script performs an iteration over the elements in the results (the elements that match the selector of the script).

var row = query("tbody tr", results).clone();
query("tbody", results).append(row);

The following script clones an existing table row to match the number of rows in a detail table. Afterwards it iterates over the rows to populate the fields.

// Create the number of rows based on the records in the detail table 
// We start at 1 so the boilerplate row is used too and there is no need to delete that row
for(var r = 1; r < record.tables['detail'].length; r++) {

// Iterate over the rows and populate them with the data from the accompanying data row
query("#table_2 > tbody > tr").each(function(i) {
this.find('@ItemNumber@').text( record.tables['detail'][i].fields["ItemNumber"]);
this.find('@ItemOrdered@').text( record.tables['detail'][i].fields["ItemOrdered"]);
this.find('@ItemTotal@').text( record.tables['detail'][i].fields["ItemTotal"]);
this.find('@ItemDesc@').text( record.tables['detail'][i].fields["ItemDesc"]);

The following script clones and populates a boilerplate row. Once completed you will need to hide the boilerplate row.

for(var i = 0; i < record.tables['detail'].length; i++) { 

var row = results.clone(); //Clone our boilerplate row

row.find('@ItemNumber@').text( record.tables['detail'][i].fields["ItemNumber"]);
row.find('@ItemOrdered@').text( record.tables['detail'][i].fields["ItemOrdered"]);
row.find('@ItemTotal@').text( record.tables['detail'][i].fields["ItemTotal"]);
row.find('@ItemDesc@').text( record.tables['detail'][i].fields["ItemDesc"]);
row.find('@nr@').text( i );


// Hide our boilerplate row (note that this doesn't really delete the row).
  • Last Topic Update: 13, November, 2018 06:23 AM
  • Last Published: 13, September, 2019 08:35 AM