Using FoundationThis topic explains how to use the Foundation Grid and other Foundation components in a Web Form or COTG Form. FoundationAll Web Template Wizards in Connect Designer make use of the Zurb Foundation front-end framework. A front-end framework is a collection of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files to build upon. Foundation is a responsive framework: it uses CSS media queries and a mobile-first approach, so that websites built upon Foundation look good and function well on multiple devices including desktop and laptop computers, tablets, and mobile phones. Foundation is tested across many browsers and devices, and works back as far as IE9 and Android 2. See http://foundation.zurb.com/learn/about.html. Capture OnTheGo and Jumbotron template wizards automatically add the Foundation files v. 5.5.1 to the resources of the template. In a future version of PlanetPress Connect, Foundation 6 will be included. If you'd rather start using the newest Foundation files right away, you have two options:
See Using JavaScript files and Adding CSS files for further instructions. Once the Foundation files have been added to a template, you can use the Grid, as well as many other Foundation components, in your template. Take a look in the Snippets folder on the Resources pane. After creating a template with a Capture OnTheGo or Jumbotron template wizard, this folder contains a number of ready-made elements that make use of Foundation.
The GridUse the Grid to ensure the responsiveness of a form. Using the Grid essentially means building a form or web page with Div elements (a Div is a container element, see Div) that have the following
Start with the class for small screens. For example: <div class="small-3 large-6" columns>. Larger devices will inherit those styles (thanks to the mobile-first approach of Foundation's style sheet). Customize for larger screens as necessary.
ExampleThis very simple layout has only one row:
The Div elements inside the row take up 2, 4 and 6 parts of the total amount of screen size (divided in 12 parts) on a small screen. On a large screen they each take one third of the available space. If the class There's more that you can do with the Grid, for example, you could center columns, or switch columns depending on the screen size they are viewed on. For information about all these possibilities, see this website: http://foundation.zurb.com/sites/docs/v/5.5.3/components/grid.html. Adding Divs and classes to a Connect Form templateTo insert a Div, select Insert > Structural Elements > Div on the menu. To add a class to the Div, select the Div (see Selecting an element) and type the class in the Class field on the Attributes pane. To add Grid rows and columns quickly, you could also use the Grid snippets or Row snippets, found in the Snippets folder on the Resources pane after using a wizard to create a Foundation web page or a Capture OnTheGo template. For more information about Snippets, see Snippets. For more information about template wizards, see Creating a Web template with a Wizard and Capture OnTheGo template wizards. Alternatively, If you are familiar with HTML, you can open the Source tab of the Workspace and simply type the HTML to add the Div elements and classes. Use Emmet to create a Grid layout on the source tab really fast. See Emmet.
Other Foundation componentsFoundation comes with many other components to improve and embellish Web forms and pages . A few examples:
For a full overview and explanation of all Foundation components (v. 5), see this web page: http://foundation.zurb.com/sites/docs/v/5.5.3/.