EAN-128 Settings
EAN128 is also known as "EAN/UCC 128", "UCC 128" and "GS1-128". This barcode type not only encodes data, but also provides a mechanism for defining the meaning (or format) of that data. It supports alphanumeric data and some predefined Function Codes. See the Wikipedia GS1-128 entry for more information.
To create dynamic barcodes, Metadata options must first have been set. Metadata fields are required to create the association between the dynamic data used in the print run and the barcode. Use the following options to configure the output Barcode settings:
- General group:
- Include in output check box: This determines whether of not this Additional Content entry should be included in the output or not.
It is checked by default for all new entries. This option allow for "libraries" of Additional Content to be created in Presets. Libraries from which you can pick and choose what entries you wish to have included, at time of printing.
- Description edit box: An edit box for adding an optional Description to the Additional Content entry.
- Position group:
- EAN 128 Properties group:
- Height: Enter the Barcode
height in either metric (cm/mm), inch (in) or point (pt) values.
- Module Width: Specifies
the width of the narrow bars. Changing this value to
higher value will generally make the Barcode bigger.
- Check Digit marker: This character is used as a placeholder for the check digit, which we be calculated at runtime. The character must be expressed in Hex.
- Group separator: This character is used to define group separation points. The character must be expressed in Hex.
- Template: Specify an optional Barcode "template".
Examples: n13 defines a numeric field with exactly 13 digits. n13+cd defines a numeric field with exactly 13 digits plus a check digit. an1-9 defines an alpha-numeric field with 1 to 9 characters.
Elements can be combined using the '+' symbol. - Print human readable text:
Check to add a textual version of the Barcode data.
- Placement: Use the
drop-down to select whether to place the human readable text above
or below the Barcode.
- Font name: Use the
drop-down to select the font with which to display the human readable
- Font size: Enter a
font size for the human readable text.
- Text: Enter the text used to generate the Barcode.
- Add button: Click to display a list of variable data that could be used for generating the Barcode.
This includes metadata fields which must previously have been added in the Metadata Options (likely at the Document Tags level), as well as some information fields.
- Condition: Enter the condition which determines whether or not the Barcode will be added to the document at print time. For details on how to create a conditional, see the How to Set Conditionals page.
- Add button: Click to display a list of metadata fields, information fields to add, or common expressions to the condition.