Dynamic Tray Mapping Editor Dialog
The Dynamic Tray Mapping Editor dialog allows you prepare a Rule for the associated /Tray group in the Dynamic PPD Options page of the Printer Wizard.
The Dynamic Tray Mapping Editor dialog can be broken up as follows:
- Rule name edit box: This displays the previously assigned Rule name, or the default Rule name, which is Media/Trayn, where n is a numeric sequence, starting at 1 for the first rule, and incrementing for any subsequent rule(s).
The Rule name can be changed in this edit box, if desired.
- Properties group: This contains all the properties that can be set for the Media/Trays selection.
The properties are optional, but for the Size and associated Height and Width properties. The exception is the "<<Not Set>>" Size selection. If this is chosen, then the Size, Height, Width and Orientation values are all ignored.
The properties include:- Name edit box: Here you can assign a secondary name to the Rule. Any name entered here will be appended within brackets to the greater Rule name.
For example, if you have a Rule name of "Default" and you entered "A4" here, then the name would appear as "Default (A4)" in the Dynamic PPD Options page of the Printer Wizard. - Color drop down list box: Used for selecting the color of the stationery that should be present in the tray.
- Type drop down list box: Chose the stationery type from the selection of industry standard options available in the drop down box, or choose Unspecified to leave undefined.
- Weight edit box: Add the stationery paper weight, if desired.
- Size drop down list box: Select the paper size here. Either select from one of the industry standard stationery size options, or chose Custom to manually set the stationery dimensions as desired.
- Width and Height edit boxes. These display the dimensions if an industry standard paper Size were selected, and do not allow modification. These boxes will only allow editing if a Custom paper Size were chosen.
- Orientation selection: Choose between Portrait or Landscape.
Selecting Landscape will reverse the current Height and Width values and convert the paper Size to Custom.