The security certificate Keystore dialog appears when adding or editing a keystore from
the PDF Options page.
This dialog allows you to select a keystore with a private key. The keystores currently supported by Connect are:
These are the options available in this dialog:
- Name: Enter a name for
the keystore to describe it within Connect.
- File: Enter the path to
the keystore file, or use the Browse button to locate the file.
- Keystore properties group:
- Type: Use the drop-down
to select the appropriate type of the keystore format the file is: JKS, PKCS11, PKCS12.
- Provider: Enter the
provider of the keystore.
- "SUN" for JKS
- "SunJSSE" for PKCS#12
- "IAIK PKCS#11:1" for PKCS#11
- Password: Type in the
password that secures the keystore, if the keystore is password protected.
- Repeat Password: Re-type
in the password that secures the keystore. Once this is done the two Password entry boxes will no longer have the red cross icon (indicating incomplete or unselected) flag beside them.
- Properties file group:
- File: Load optional keystore properties file. Could be used to store the password in a file.