Automatic Restart Settings

It is considered good management to restart the Connect Engines periodically. This dialog provides the controls for scheduling Connect Engines restarts.

  • Time Limit checkbox: This enables engine restarts to be scheduled to occur either after a specified period of time, or within a daily time window.
    This means daily Engine restarts can be scheduled to run outside of production hours.
  • Rolling restart checkbox: This sets the engines restarts to occur in a "rolling" fashion, whereby each engine is stopped and restarted individually, one after the other.
    Each engine is only stopped when the previously restarted engine is once again ready to start processing.
  • Restart method: Chose between restarting after a specified number of minutes (Restart after interval) or within a daily time window (Daily restart in period).
  • Restart after (minutes): Only available if Restart after interval selected.
    Specify the amount of minutes that the restarts are to occur after.
  • Daily restart period begin: Only available if Daily restart in period selected.
    Enter the daily start time for the time window in which automatic restarts will be scheduled to occur.
  • Daily restart period end: Only available if Daily restart in period selected.
    The end of the daily time window in which the automatic restarts are scheduled to occur.
  • Memory limit group: Enter the memory limit for individual Engines. If any of the memory limits are exceeded, an automatic restart of those Engines will be triggered.
    • Data Mapper Engine (MB): Enter the memory limit for Data Mapper Engine.
    • Merge Engine (MB): Enter the memory limit for Merge Engine.
    • Weaver Engine (MB): Enter the memory limit for Weaver (Output) Engine.