
Creates a JSON object based on the text retrieved from the supplied location. The function lets you retrieve content from a JSON enabled server using a standard HTTP request. Popular content management systems like WordPress (requires JSON API plugin) and Drupal provide a JSON service/API to retrieve content.

Loadjson() is cached per batch run (based on the URL) in print/email.

This online JSON viewer is handy to debug JSON data: http://jsonviewer.stack.hu​

External content is not loaded while editing a script. To test a script that loads external content, you can do a preflight; see Doing a Preflight.


Loads json data from the specified location.


String; the supplied location should be either a URL or a relative file path. The file protocol is supported as well as the http/https protocols. The complete syntax of a fully qualified URL with the "file" protocol is: file://<host>/<path>. If the host is "localhost", it can be omitted, resulting in file:///<path>, for example: file:///c:/somefolder/somejson.json.


This sample script retrieves JSON data from a snippet.

var localJSON = loadjson('snippets/jsonsnippet.json');
results.html("<h3>" + localJSON.post.title + "</h3><p>" + localJSON.post.modified + "</p>"); }

This script retrieves a post from a WordPress site.

var wpPost = loadjson(''); 
​​ results.html("<h1>" + wpPost.post.title + "</h1>" + wpPost.post.content);​

This script retrieves multiple posts from a WordPress site.

var numPosts = 3;
var wpPost = '';
var wpRecentPosts = loadjson('' + numPosts);
for (var i = 0; i < numPosts ; i++) {
wpPost += "<p>" + wpRecentPosts.posts[i].title + "</p>";