
The security certificate Keystore dialog appears when adding or editing a keystore from the PDF Options page. This dialog allows you to select a keystore with a private key.

The keystores currently supported by Connect are:

  • JKS (Java Key Store) format.
  • JCEKS (Java Cryptography Extension Key Store) format.
  • PKCS#12
  • PKCS#11

JKS and JCEKS represent file based keystores in a Java proprietary format. The Java keytool command line application can be used to create and manage keystores in this format.

Type PKCS#12 also represents a file based keystore, but in the PKCS#12 format.

Type PKCS#11 represents a keystore on a hardware device. These hardware devices must first be setup in the Hardware for Digital Signing preferences Preferences page, before they become available as an option in this dialog.

These are the options available in this dialog:

  • Name: Enter a name for the keystore to describe it within Connect.
  • File: Enter the path to the keystore file, or use the Browse button to locate the file.
    This option is not relevant for PKCS#11 hardware devices.
  • Keystore properties group:
    • Type: Use the drop-down to select the appropriate type of keystore format.
    • Password: If the keystore is password protected, type in the password that secures the keystore.
    • Repeat Password: Re-type in the password that secures the keystore. Once this is done the two Password entry boxes will no longer have the red cross icon (indicating incomplete or unselected) flag beside them.
  • PKCS#11 properties group:
    • Module Name:  Select which secure hardware device (USB tokens, smart cards, and Hardware Security Modules) to connect to through PKCS#11. These hardware devices must first be setup in the Hardware for Digital Signing preferences Preferences page, before they become available as an option in this dialog.
    • Slot list index: Select which hardware slot to use.
      Slots are logical partitions in the hardware device. In case of Hardware Security Modules, there could be hundreds or more slots are available while in the case of smart cards, there would likely only be one slot available.

      Specifying both a Slot list index and a Slot ID is not allowed. Enter one or the other, or neither.

    • Slot ID: Select which hardware Slot ID to use.
      Slots are logical partitions in the hardware device. In case of Hardware Security Modules, there could be hundreds or more slots are available while in the case of smart cards, there would likely only be one slot available.

      Specifying both a Slot list index and a Slot ID is not allowed. Enter one or the other, or neither.
  • Properties file group:
    • File: Load optional keystore properties file. Properties files could be used for storing the password, or similar.