
Spell Check Text in a Text Object

You can spell check a selection of, or all of, the text you enter in the Text area of a text object. The options you set for a spell check remain in effect across all text objects. The spell checker does not check variable

To spell check text:

  1. If necessary, verify the dictionaries and the other options set for the spell check are correct.
  2. Do either of the following:
    • If you want to spell check all text, click anywhere in the text. The spell check proceeds forward from that point to the end of the text, then starts at the beginning of the text and proceeds forward to that point.
    • If you want to spell check only a region of text, highlight that region in the Text area.
  3. In the menu bar of the Text properties, choose Tools | Spelling.
  4. When the Spelling dialog box appears, define how you want to handle the spelling error.
    • Spelling Error
      • Not found: Displays the misspelled word the spell check encountered.
      • Replace with: Enter the word with which you want to replace the misspelled word.
      • Suggestions: Displays a list of suggested replacements for the misspelled word.
    • Actions
      • Ignore: Click to have the spell check ignore this spelling error and continue with the spell check.
      • Ignore All: Click to have the spell check ignore all instances of this spelling error in the current spell check.
      • Change: Click to have the spell check replace the misspelled word with the contents of the Replace with box.
      • Change All: Click to have the spell check replace all instances of this misspelled word in the current spell check with the contents of the Replace with box.
      • Add: Click to have the spell check add the word to the Added Words of the custom dictionary selected for this spell check.
      • Auto-Correct: Click to have the spell check add this misspelled word and the contents of the Replace with box to the Auto Correct Pairs of the custom dictionary selected for this spell check.
    • Undo: Click to undo the most recent action.
    • Options: Click to display the Spelling Options dialog box.
    • Cancel: Click to exit the spell check.

To set spell check options:

  1. In the menu bar of the Text properties, choose Tools | Speller Options.
  2. In the Spelling Options dialog box, adjust the options.
  3. Options
    • Check spelling as you type: Select to have the spell check underline misspelled words in red as you type in the Text area.
    • Correct spelling errors as you type: Select to have the spell check use the Auto Correct Pairs in the custom dictionary selected for the spell check, to automatically correct any misspelled words it detects as you type in the Text area.
    • Ignore words in upper case: Select to prevent the spell check from spell checking any words written in upper case.
    • Ignore words containing numbers: Select to prevent the spell check from spell checking any words that contain numbers.
    • Ignore markup languages: Select to prevent the spell check from spell checking any words that are part of the HTML or XML markup languages.
    • Ignore Internet addresses: Select to prevent the spell check from spell checking email or Web site addresses.
    • Ignore quoted lines: Select to have the spell check exclude from the spell check any text that appears between quotes. This applies only to double quotes (“); it does not apply to single quotes (‘).
    • Ignore abbreviations: Select to have the spell check treat any abbreviations it encounters as legal words. The abbreviation must appear in at least one of the dictionaries selected for the spell check.
    • Prompt on repeated word: Select to have the spell check prompt you if it encounters two instances of a word together in the text. This option is case sensitive.
    • Automatically correct DUal capitals: Select to have the spell check automatically correct words that begin with two upper case characters by changing the second to a lower case character.
    • Dictionary options
    • Dictionaries list: Select the dictionaries you want the spell check to use. The name of the dictionary appears on the left, and the name of the file that contains it on the right. Select Locate dictionaries to browse the file system and add a dictionary to this list.
    • Custom dictionary: Select the custom dictionary you want to use for the spell check. All of the custom dictionaries you created appear in the drop-down list in this box.
    • Dictionaries button: Click to create, edit, or delete a custom dictionary.

To reset the spell check options to their default values:

  1. In the Text area, right-click and choose Spell Check Options.
  2. In the Spelling Options dialog box, click Reset Defaults.
  3. Click OK.

To add a dictionary:

  1. Make sure the dictionary is accessible on the computer on which you are running PlanetPress Design. Additional dictionaries are available at http://www.addictivesoftware.com/dicts.htm.
  2. In the Text area, right-click and choose Spell Check Options.
  3. In the Spelling Options dialog box, in the Dictionaries list, click Locatedictionaries.
  4. In the Browse for Folder dialog box, navigate to the dictionary you want to add and click OK.

To create a custom dictionary:

  1. In the Text area, right-click and choose Spell Check Options.
  2. In the lower right of the Spelling Options dialog box, click Dictionaries.
  3. In the Dictionaries dialog box, click New.
  4. In the New Custom Dictionary dialog box, enter a name for the new dictionary, and click OK.
  5. To exit the Dictionaries dialog box and return to the Spelling Options dialog box, click OK.
  6. Click OK.

To edit a custom dictionary:

  1. In the Spelling Options dialog box, click Dictionaries.
  2. In the Dictionaries dialog box, select the custom dictionary you want to edit and click Edit.
  3. Click Added Words and enter any words you want the spell check to treat as legal words when it uses this custom dictionary.
    • Ignore this word: Type the word you want to add to the list of words the spell check treats as legal when it uses this custom dictionary. Click Add to add it to the Word list.
    • Word list: Displays the words the spell check treats as legal when it uses this custom dictionary.
    • Add: Click to add the word entered in the Ignore this word box, to the Word list.
    • Delete: Click to delete the word that is currently selected in the Word list.
  4. Click Auto Correct Pairs and enter any automatic corrections you want the spell check to perform.
    • Replace/With: Use these boxes to define an automatic correction you want the spell check to perform when it uses this custom dictionary. Type the string you want the spell check to automatically replace in the Replace box, and the replacement string in the With box. Click Add to add it to the Auto-correct pairs list.
    • Auto correct pairs list: Displays the automatic corrections the spell check performs when it uses this custom dictionary. The misspelled string appears on the left and its correction on the right.
    • Add: Click to add the contents of the Replace/With boxes to the Auto-correct pairs list. This button is not available if either or both of the Replace/With boxes are empty.
    • Delete: Click to delete the auto-correct pair that is currently selected in the Auto-correct pairs list.
  5. Click Excluded Words and add any words you want the spell check to always treat as misspellings.
    • Exclude this word: Type the word you want to add to the list of words the spell check always treats as misspellings when it uses this custom dictionary. Click Add to add it to the Excluded word list.
    • Excluded word list: Displays the words the spell check always treats as misspellings when it uses this custom dictionary.
    • Add: Click to add the word entered in the Ignore this word box, to the Excluded word list.
    • Delete: Click to delete the word that is currently selected in the Excluded word list.
  6. Click OK to return to the Dictionaries dialog box.
  7. In the Dictionaries dialog box, click OK to return to the SpellingOptions dialog box.

To delete a custom dictionary:

  1. In the Spelling Options dialog box, click Dictionaries.
  2. In the Dictionaries dialog box, select the custom dictionary you want to delete and click Delete.
  3. Click OK.