
XML Emulation

XML data emulations allow you to capture data emanating from web databases, E-mail fulfillment, ecommerce, and general XML database engines. In XML emulation, the data elements in markup language format are organized in a folder view with a root node and sub-level nodes. Depending on the document configuration, a data page can be associated with a sublevel element contained in an XML data file much in the way a data page can be associated with an individual record in a CSV emulation. When you set-up an XML emulation, you define whether to separate the data by the root or the second level element.

Note that when XML data is merged with PlanetPress Design documents on a printer DOCTYPE and ENTITY tags are ignored.

Also note that characters referenced using the ϧ syntax are limited to values ranging from 000 (�) to 256 (Ā).

XML emulation options