
This function gets the first parent element that matches a selector, by testing the element itself and traversing up through its ancestors in the DOM tree. (In HTML, a parent is an element that contains another element.)

The function can be used for:

  • The elements that match the selector of a script (see results).
  • One element that matches the selector of a script that runs for "Each matched element" (see this and Setting the scope of a script).
  • The elements returned by a query in the template (see query()).

To get a child element or all child elements, use children() (see children()).

The closest() command is based on the closest() command found in the jQuery library:

To get an element's sibling element, you can use prev() or next().


For one HTML element or for each element in a set, this function gets the first element that matches the selector by testing the element itself and traversing up through its ancestors in the DOM tree.


A String containing an HTML tag (without the angle brackets, <>).


The following script looks up all table rows in the template that contain an <input> element.


This code gets the closest 'parent' row for each element that matches the selector of the script (collected in the results object):


The rows could be colored red within the same statement:
