Import Resources dialog

The Import Resources dialog lets you import a variety of resources from other templates.

To open this dialog, click File > Import Resources... in the menu.

  1. Select the template to copy resources from and click OK.
  2. Now you can select various resources: Master Pages, Media, Sections, Images, style sheets (see Styling templates with CSS files), as well as scripts (see Scripts pane) and the Data Model (see Data Model pane).
    If you want to select individual items instead of all resources in a certain folder, expand the folder using the arrow to the left.

    Resources may be interdependent. A Print section may need a certain Master Page or Media, for example; a Dynamic Image script relies on the presence of certain images; etcetera. This isn't visible in the Import Resources dialog. Make sure to select all necessary resources.

  3. Choose what happens when a resource with the same name at the same hierarchy level already exists in your template.

    Names that represent files or folders on disk are case-insensitive, while all other names are case-sensitive.

    • Rename: Import the resource, giving its name a suffix to make it unique in the target folder.
      Note that when a section is renamed, the properties of its context are not copied over, except for Includes (Web contexts only; see Includes). Includes are transferred to the imported section.
    • Overwrite: Replace the existing resource.
      If the imported resource is a section, the properties of its context are copied to the target Context. For a Print context this can include settings for Color Output and Finishing.
      When replacing a resource that is opened in a separate editor (not the main editor), that editor will be closed and any unsaved changes will be lost.
    • Skip: Don't import the resource.

    When it's selected for import, the Data Model is always overwritten, regardless of the policy for duplicates.

  4. Click OK to import the resources.
  5. Verify that the template works as expected. Make sure that the template contains everything that the imported resources need, and that all context and section settings are correct. Doing a Preflight is recommended (see Doing a Preflight).